Translation of "تولّى" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "تولّى" in a sentence and their english translations:

تولّى سامي الشّؤون الماليّة.

Sami took over the finances.

تولّى موقعاً في الوسط مع الهون. قلب الجيش.

He took up position in the center  with his Huns, the core of his army.  

- تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل.
- Fadel se encargó de ese trabajo.

That job was handled by Fadil.

‫فقد تولّى على مر السنين قيادة الجيش ‫بنجاح في عديد من الملاحم

having led armies with success in  several theatres over the years.