Translation of "Umduğunu" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Umduğunu" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ne umduğunu biliyorum.

I know what you were hoping for.

Tom, kazanacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping you would win.
- Tom said that he was hoping you would win.

Tom kovulmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped he wasn't going to get fired.
- Tom said that he hoped he wasn't going to get fired.
- Tom said that he hoped that he wasn't going to get fired.

Tom kazanabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped he'd be able to win.
- Tom said that he hoped he'd be able to win.
- Tom said that he hoped that he'd be able to win.
- Tom said he hoped that he'd be able to win.

Keşke ne umduğunu bana söyleseydin.

- I wish you had told me what to expect.
- I wish that you'd told me what to expect.

Tom, bunu yapacağımızı umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping we'd do that.
- Tom said that he was hoping we'd do that.

Tom, bunu değiştirmeyi umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes to change that.
- Tom said that he hopes to change that.

Tom, Mary'nin ağlamayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't cry.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't cry.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanamayacağını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes that Mary doesn't win.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanabileceğini umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes Mary is able to win.
- Tom says he hopes Mary can win.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary is able to win.
- Tom said he hopes Mary can win.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary is able to win.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary is able to win.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary is able to win.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary can win.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary can win.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary wouldn't win.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn't win.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't win.

Tom Mary'nin kazanamayacağını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary doesn't win.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanmasını umduğunu söyledi.

Tom says he hopes that Mary wins.

Tom Mary'nin kazanacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would win.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would win.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would win.

Tom, Mary'nin kazanacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary will win.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary will win.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary will win.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary will win.

Tom sizi görmeyi umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping to see you.
- Tom said that he was hoping to see you.

Tom senin kazanacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he was hoping you'd win.
- Tom said that he was hoping that you'd win.
- Tom said he was hoping you'd win.

Tom, partide olacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you'll be at the party.
- Tom said he hopes you'll be at the party.

Tom, bunu yapacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he was hoping that you would do that.
- Tom said he was hoping that you would do that.

Tom, senin kazanabileceğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes you'll be able to win.

Tom, bunu yapabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you can do that.
- Tom said he hopes you can do that.

Tom bana Harvard'a girmeyi umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom told me he was hoping to get into Harvard.
- Tom told me that he was hoping to get into Harvard.

Tom Mary'nin onun öpmesini umduğunu söyleyebilirdi.

Tom could tell that Mary was expecting him to kiss her.

Tom, Mary'nin onu yapmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that.

Tom, bunu birlikte yapabileceğimizi umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping we could do that together.
- Tom said that he was hoping we could do that together.

Tom, bunu pazartesi yapmayı umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he expects to do that on Monday.
- Tom said that he expects to do that on Monday.

Tom, Mary'nin konsere geleceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would come to his concert.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would come to his concert.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would come to his concert.

Tom, Mary'ye yardım edebileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping he could help Mary.
- Tom said that he was hoping he could help Mary.

Tom Mary'nin ne yapmayı umduğunu bilmiyor.

Tom doesn't know what Mary hopes he does.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn't do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmadığını umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes that Mary doesn't do that.
- Tom says he hopes Mary doesn't do that.
- Tom says that he hopes Mary doesn't do that.
- Tom says that he hopes that Mary doesn't do that.

Tom Mary'nin bunu yapmasını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes that Mary does that.

Tom, Mary'nin orada olacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would be there.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would be there.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would be there.

Tom Mary'nin bunu yapacağımızı umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said Mary was hoping we'd do that.
- Tom said that Mary was hoping we'd do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmayacağını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary won't do that.

Tom, Mary'nin geç kalmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary won't be late.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary won't be late.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't be late.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary won't be late.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapacağınıı umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary could do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary could do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary could do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapacağını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary will do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary will do that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary will do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary will do that.

Tom, Mary'nin yarışı kazandığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary won the race.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary won the race.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary won the race.

Tom, Mary'nin onu yapmasını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary does that.

Tom, Mary'nin kendine bakabileceğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary can take care of herself.

Tom, Mary'nin kendine bakabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary can take care of herself.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary can take care of herself.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary can take care of herself.

Tom, Mary'ye bunu yapabileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

Tom told Mary he hoped he could do that.

Tom, Mary'nin yaptıklarını yiyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would eat what he made.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would eat what he made.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would eat what he made.

Tom, ona yardım edeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you'll help him.
- Tom said that he hopes that you'll help him.
- Tom said he hopes you'll help him.

Tom, bunu yapmak istemeyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you won't want to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that you won't want to do that.
- Tom said he hopes that you won't want to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin onun partisine gelmesini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped that Mary would come to his party.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would come to his party.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would come to his party.
- Tom said he hoped Mary would come to his party.

Tom kötü bir şey olacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was expecting something bad to happen.
- Tom said that he was expecting something bad to happen.

Tom'un onu nerede yapmayı umduğunu merak ediyorum.

I wonder where Tom hopes to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmaya çalışmasını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary tries to do that.
- Tom said he hopes Mary tries doing that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary tries to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmaktan hoşlandığını umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes Mary likes doing that.
- Tom says he hopes Mary likes to do that.
- Tom says he hopes Mary enjoys doing that.

Tom muhtemelen Mary'nin ne yaptığını umduğunu bilmiyor.

Tom probably doesn't know what Mary hopes he does.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu bugün yaptığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would do that today.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would do that today.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would do that today.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yakında yapacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would do that soon.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would do that soon.

Tom, Mary'nin ona yardım edeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary will help him.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary will help him.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary will help him.

Mary, Tom'un son elmayı yemeyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

Mary said she hopes Tom won't eat the last apple.

Mary yaptığı şeyi Tom'un yiyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

Mary said she hoped Tom would eat what she made.

Tom, Mary'nin onunla yemek yiyeceğimizi umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said Mary was hoping we'd eat with her.
- Tom said that Mary was hoping we'd eat with her.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmak istemediğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary didn't want to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary didn't want to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary didn't want to do that.
- Tom said he hoped that Mary didn't want to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmak istemeyeceğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary won't want to do that.

Tom, yakında bir şey olacağını umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes something happens soon.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmayı sevdiğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary likes to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary likes to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary likes to do that.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary likes to do that.

Tom, bunu yapmasına gerek olmadığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped he didn't need to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped he didn't need to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that he didn't need to do that.
- Tom said he hoped that he didn't need to do that.

Tom yeni sınıf başkanı olmayı umduğunu itiraf etti.

Tom acknowledged that he was hoping to become the new class president.

Tom, onu bir daha yapması gerekmediğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped he never needed to do that again.
- Tom said that he hoped he never needed to do that again.
- Tom said that he hoped that he never needed to do that again.

Tom, Mary'nin paketi kimin vereceğini bilmesini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary knows who to give the package to.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmasına izin verileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would be allowed to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would be allowed to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu nasıl yapacağını öğrenebileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary could learn how to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary could learn how to do that.
- Tom said he hoped that Mary would be able to learn how to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu kendi başına yapabileceğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary can do that by herself.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu kimin yaptığını bildiğini umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes Mary knows who did that.
- Tom says that he hopes Mary knows who did that.

Tom, kendisinin ve Mary'nin birlikte yiyebileceklerini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping he and Mary could eat together.
- Tom said that he was hoping he and Mary could eat together.
- Tom said that he was hoping that he and Mary could eat together.

Tom, Mary'ye bunu yapmak zorunda olmadığını umduğunu söyledi.

Tom told Mary he hoped he didn't have to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin tek başına eve gitmeyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary won't go home by herself.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary won't go home by herself.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary won't go home by herself.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't go home by herself.

Tom, Mary'nin tek başına evine gelebilmesini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary can get home by herself.

Tom kazanmak için elinden gelen yaptığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary tries her best to win.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary tries her best to win.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary tries her best to win.

Tom, Mary'nin bugün bize yardım edeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped Mary would be able to help us today.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would be able to help us today.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmak istediğini bildiğini umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes Mary knows he wants to do that.
- Tom says he hopes Mary knows that he wants to do that.

Tom, ödevinde senin ona yardım edeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you'll help him with his homework.
- Tom said that he hopes that you'll help him with his homework.
- Tom said he hopes you'll help him with his homework.

Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmaya ihtiyacı olmadığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary won't need to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary won't need to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't need to do that.
- Tom said he hopes that Mary won't need to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin onun evine yürümesine izin vereceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped that Mary would let him walk her home.
- Tom said that he hoped Mary would let him walk her home.
- Tom said that he hoped that Mary would let him walk her home.

Tom, Mary'nin John'un bunu yapmasına izin vermeyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary won't let John do that.
- Tom said he hopes Mary won't allow John to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary won't allow John to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't allow John to do that.

Tom, o ve Mary'nin birlikte şarkı söyleyebileceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he was hoping he and Mary could sing together.
- Tom said that he was hoping he and Mary could sing together.
- Tom said that he was hoping that he and Mary could sing together.

- Tom, Mary'nin kazanacağımızı umduğunu söyledi.
- Tom kazanmana izin verecek.

Tom will let you win.

Tom, Mary'nin John'un araba kullanmasına izin vermeyeceğini umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary won't let John drive.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary won't let John drive.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't let John drive.

Tom, Mary'nin onun bunu yapmak istemediğini bildiğini umduğunu söylüyor.

- Tom says he hopes Mary knows he doesn't want to do that.
- Tom says he hopes Mary knows that he doesn't want to do that.

Tom, Mary'nin neden bunu yapmaması gerektiğini bildiğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary knows why she shouldn't do that.

Tom bunu neden yapmak istediğini Mary'nin bildiğini umduğunu söylüyor.

Tom says he hopes Mary knows why he wants to do that.

Tom, bunu yapmak için elinden geleni yapmayı umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said that he hopes you try your best to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that you try your best to do that.
- Tom said he hopes you try your best to do that.

Tom, John'un seçimi kimin kazanacağını umduğunu Mary'nin bildiğini düşündüğünü söyledi.

Tom said that he thought Mary knew who John hoped would win the election.

Tom onu bir daha asla yapmak zorunda kalmayacağını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hoped he never had to do that again.
- Tom said that he hoped he never had to do that again.
- Tom said that he hoped that he never had to do that again.

Tom, Mary'nin elinden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çalıştığını umduğunu söyledi.

- Tom said he hopes Mary tries her best to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes Mary tries her best to do that.
- Tom said that he hopes that Mary tries her best to do that.