Translation of "Bence" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Bence" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Bence yanılıyordun.
- Bence yanılıyordunuz.

- I think you were wrong.
- You could be mistaken.

- Bence şaşıracaksın.
- Bence şaşıracaksınız.

I think you'll be surprised.

- Bence gitmelisin.
- Bence gitmen gerekir.

I think you ought to go.

Bence müthiş.

I think it's awesome.

Bence yalnızız.

I think we're alone.

Bence öyle.

I do.

Bence hatalısın.

- I think that you're wrong.
- I think you're wrong.

Bence yanlışsın.

- In my opinion, you are wrong.
- In my opinion, you're wrong.

Bence şaşıracaksınız.

I think you'll be surprised.

Bence başardık.

I think we made it.

Bence haklı.

- I think he is right.
- I think that he is right.
- In my opinion, he is correct.
- In my opinion, he's right.
- I think he's right.
- I think that he's right.
- I think he's correct.

Bence ayrılmalıyız.

I think we should break up.

Bence vazgeçmeliyiz.

I think we should quit.

Bence koşmalıyız.

I think we should run.

Bence beklemeliyiz.

I think we should wait.

Bence şanslıydık.

I think we were lucky.

Bence izleniyoruz.

I think we're being followed.

Bence yorgunuz.

I think we're done.

Bence gitmelisin.

I think you should go.

Bence oturmalısın.

I think you should sit down.

Bence bırakmalısın.

I think you should quit.

Bence kalmalısın.

I think you should stay.

Bence durmalısın.

I think you should stop.

Bence beklemelisin.

I think you should wait.

Bence gitmemelisin.

I think you shouldn't go.

Bence haklıydın.

I think you were right.

Bence seversin.

I think you'd like it.

Bence mükemmelsin.

I think you're perfect.

Bence kıskanıyorsun.

I'd say you're jealous.

Bence kıskançsınız.

I think you're jealous.

Bence yanılıyordun.

I guess you were wrong.

Bence yapabiliriz.

- We could try.
- I think we can.

Bence gereksiz.

I think it's unnecessary.

Bence güzelsin.

I think you're pretty.

Bence haklıyım.

I think I'm right.

Bence kazanacaksın.

- I think you're going to win.
- I think that you're going to win.

- Bence anlaşmayı yapmalısın.
- Bence anlaşmayı yapmalısınız.

I think you should make the deal.

- Bence Tom'u seçmelisin.
- Bence Tom'u seçmelisiniz.

I think you should pick Tom.

- Bence güzel kokuyorsun.
- Bence güzel kokuyorsunuz.

I think you smell nice.

- Bence bunu hatırlardın.
- Bence bunu hatırlarsın.

I think you'd remember that.

- Bence memnun kalacaksın.
- Bence memnun kalacaksınız.

I think you'll be pleased.

- Bence hoşunuza gidecek.
- Bence hoşuna gidecek.

I think you'll enjoy it.

- Bence onu bulacaksın.
- Bence onu bulacaksınız.

I think you'll find it.

- Bence gitmemekte haklısın.
- Bence gitmemekte haklısınız.

- I think you're right not to go.
- I think that you're right not to go.

- Bence uygun bulacaksın.
- Bence uygun bulacaksınız.

- I think you will approve.
- I think you'll approve.
- I think that you'll approve.

- Bence ona sormalısın.
- Bence ona sormalısınız.

I think you should ask her.

- Bence haksızsın.
- Bence, sen haklı değilsin.

- In my opinion, you are wrong.
- In my opinion, you're wrong.

- Bence Tom suçsuz.
- Bence Tom masum.
- Bence Tom suçlu değil.

In my opinion, Tom is innocent.

- Bence şimdi tam zamanı.
- Zamanı geldi bence.

I think now is the time.

- Tom sana asılıyor bence.
- Tom sana yürüyor bence.
- Tom sana yazıyor bence.

- I think Tom is hitting on you.
- I think Tom is coming on to you.
- I think Tom is putting the moves on you.

Bence yapmamız gereken

And I think

"Bence boks tehlikeli.

"I think boxing is dangerous.

Bence biraz koordinasyonla

Now, I think with a bit of coordination,

Ama bence batırdılar.

But I think they blew it.

Ama bence biri,

but one, I think, that is perhaps less aspirational

Bence hissettiklerimi anlıyorsunuz.

I think you can relate to this feeling.

Bence bunu değiştirebiliriz.

I think we can change that.

bence gerçek şeylerdir.

I think, is the real thing.

Bence işiniz tamam.

I think your work is all right.

Bence taksiyle gitmelisin.

I think you should go by taxi.

Bence o kusursuzdur.

- I am of the opinion that she is right.
- In my opinion, she is correct.

Bence o dürüsttür.

- I think that he is honest.
- I think that she's honest.

Bence, o hatalı.

In my opinion, he is wrong.

Bence o masum.

In my opinion, he's innocent.

Bence saatini kaybettin.

- I thought you had lost your watch.
- I thought that you had lost your watch.

Bence sen kıskançsın.

I think you're jealous.

Bence aşk yok.

- I think love does not exist.
- I think love doesn't exist.

Bence dikkatli olmalıyız.

I think we have to be very careful.

Bence o haklı.

I think he's right.

Bence o yorgun.

I think he's tired.

Bence onlar gecikecek.

I think they'll be late.

Bence bu yeterli.

I think this is enough.

Bence onu yapmalıyız.

I think we should do it.

Bence hikaye doğru.

I think the story is true.

Bence Tom korkuyor.

Tom is afraid, I think.

Bence ona söylemelisin.

I think you should tell him.

Bence memnun kalacaksın.

I think you'll be pleased.

Bence memnun kalacaksınız.

I think you'll be pleased.

Bence, o haklıdır.

I am of the opinion that he is right.

Bence hayatını mahvediyorsun.

I think you're ruining your life.

Bence paçayı kurtaracaksın.

- I think you'll pull through.
- I think that you'll pull through.

Bence Tom'u yakalayabiliriz.

I think we can catch Tom.

Bence hepimiz sakinleşmeliyiz.

I think we need to all calm down.

Bence harika yapıyorsun.

- I think you've been doing great.
- I think that you've been doing great.

Bence, o hatasızdır.

- The way I see it, he is right.
- In my opinion, he is correct.

Bence sormaya değer.

I think it's worth asking.