Translation of "Sentirán" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Sentirán" in a sentence and their english translations:

No se sentirán bien.

you are not going to feel good.

Se sentirán muy enfadados,

they will be very angry,

Entonces sentirán una emoción negativa

then you are going to be feeling a negative emotion

Imaginen cuánto mejor se sentirán,

Imagine how much better you'll feel,

Supongo que se sentirán identificados.

I think you can relate to this feeling.

Los peatones se sentirán más seguros.

your pedestrians will feel safer.

Entonces se sentirán realmente bien al respecto

then you're going to be feeling really good about it,

Ese día se sentirán irritables, intratables, etc.

that day you are going to feel irritable, and ornery, and so on.

Se sentirán bien, saludables, alegres de estar vivos.

you feel good, you feel healthy, good to be alive.

Y les aseguro, sentirán una puñalada en el corazón.

And I guarantee you, it will stab you through the heart.

Pero otros se sentirán ansiosos, en especial con dosis más altas.

but some people can feel anxious with THC, particularly with higher doses.

No todos esos pasos serán lineares, o se sentirán como progreso a delante.

Not all of those steps will be linear or feel like forward progress.

Si no incluyes las palabras "tú" y "yo", las personas no sentirán que es una conversación.

If you don't include the words "you" and "I", people aren't going to feel that it's a conversation.