Translation of "Relaja" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Relaja" in a sentence and their english translations:

Conducir me relaja.

Driving relaxes me.

Tomar un baño me relaja.

Taking a bath makes me relax.

O cuando el vino nos relaja,

Or when wine relaxes us,

Él se relaja cuando toca la guitarra.

He feels relaxed when he's playing the guitar.

El dinero no me emociona. Me relaja.

- Money doesn't worry me. It calms me.
- Money doesn't excite me. It calms me.

Que los hace felices y los relaja.

that helps them feel happy and relaxed.

Mi madre comúnmente se relaja y duerme después del almuerzo.

My mother usually relaxes and sleeps after lunch.

Una pequeña cantidad de alcohol relaja la mente y el cuerpo y mejora la circulación.

A small amount of alcohol will relax the mind and body and improve blood circulation.

Dicen que la música amansa a las fieras pero a mí personalmente ni me relaja ni me calma.

They say that music soothes the savage beast, but for me personally, it neither relaxes me nor calms me.

Cuando un oso duerme o se relaja, su postura depende si quiere conservar el calor o si quiere librarse de él.

When bears sleep or lie down, their postures depend on whether they want to get rid of heat or conserve it.