Translation of "Obreros" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Obreros" in a sentence and their english translations:

Obreros del mundo, ¡uníos!

- Workers of the world, unite!
- Workers of all lands, unite!
- Workers of the world - unite!

Muchos de los obreros murieron de hambre.

Many of the workers died of hunger.

- ¡Trabajadores del mundo, uníos!
- Obreros del mundo, ¡uníos!

- Workers of the world, unite!
- Workers of the world - unite!

Los obreros no bajaron a la mina aquella noche.

The workmen didn't go down into the mine that night.

- Los obreros llevaban el torso descubierto.
- Los trabajadores estaban desnudos hasta las caderas.

The workers were naked to the waist.