Translation of "Novio" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Novio" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Ella tiene novio?
- ¿Tiene novio?

Does she have a boyfriend?

¿Tienes novio?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Tengo novio.

I have a boyfriend.

Es su novio.

That's her boyfriend.

Mi novio lloró.

My boyfriend was crying.

Quiero un novio.

I want a boyfriend.

No tengo novio.

I don't have a boyfriend.

Soy tu novio.

I'm your boyfriend.

Necesitas un novio.

You need a boyfriend.

¿Serías mi novio?

Would you like to be my boyfriend?

Es el novio.

- He is the bridegroom.
- He's the groom.

- Ella tiene un novio turco.
- Su novio es turco.

Her boyfriend is Turkish.

- ¿Acaso no era tu novio?
- ¿No era tu novio?

Wasn't he your boyfriend?

Mi novio parece serio.

My boyfriend seems serious.

Mi novio estaba llorando.

My boyfriend was crying.

Mi novio está llorando.

My boyfriend is crying.

Quisiera ser tu novio.

I'd like to be your boyfriend.

¿Todavía soy tu novio?

Am I still your boyfriend?

Se ha echado novio.

She's found herself a boyfriend.

Tom es mi novio.

Tom is my fiancé.

¿Tom es tu novio?

Tom is your boyfriend?

Mi novio es periodista.

My boyfriend is a journalist.

Su novio es turco.

Her boyfriend is Turkish.

Mi novio es posesivo.

My boyfriend is possessive.

Mary no tiene novio.

Mary doesn't have a boyfriend.

No soy tu novio.

I'm not your boyfriend.

¿Quién es tu novio?

Who's your boyfriend?

Ni siquiera tengo novio.

I don't even have a boyfriend.

¿De verdad tienes novio?

Do you really have a boyfriend?

Trabajo con su novio.

I work with her boyfriend.

Tiene un novio fachero.

She has a handsome boyfriend.

Mi novio es bloguero.

My boyfriend is a blogger.

Mary tiene novio formal.

Mary has a steady boyfriend.

- ¿Tienes novio allá en casa?
- ¿Tienes novio allá en tu rancho?

Do you have a boyfriend back home?

- Avísame si encuentras un nuevo novio.
- Cuéntame si encuentras un nuevo novio.

Tell me if you find a new boyfriend.

Confundido novio y hanzo siguió

confused groom and hanzo followed

Ella tiene un novio turco.

She's got a Turkish boyfriend.

El novio huyó del altar.

The groom left the bride standing at the altar.

Tom fue mi primer novio.

Tom was my first boyfriend.

Tom solía ser mi novio.

Tom used to be my boyfriend.

Mi novio me dejó plantada.

My friend dumped me.

Estoy esperando a mi novio.

I'm waiting for my boyfriend.

No sabía que tenías novio.

- I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
- I didn't know that you had a boyfriend.

Él no es mi novio.

- He's not my boyfriend.
- He's not my boyfriend!

Soy el novio de Mary.

I'm Mary's boyfriend.

Odio al novio de Mary.

I hate Mary's boyfriend.

Su novio la trata mal.

Her boyfriend treats her badly.

Su novio es un holgazán.

Her boyfriend is a lazy man.

Mary tiene un novio secreto.

Mary has a secret boyfriend.

No quiero ser tu novio.

I don't want to be your boyfriend.

Soy tu novio, ¿o no?

I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?

Ella vive con su novio.

She lives with her boyfriend.

Mi novio no me quiere.

My boyfriend doesn't love me.

Ella tiene un novio serio.

She has a serious boyfriend.

¿Acaso no era tu novio?

Wasn't he your boyfriend?

¿Por qué no tengo novio?

Why don't I have a boyfriend?

¿Por qué no tienes novio?

Why don't you have a boyfriend?

Tom no es mi novio.

Tom isn't my boyfriend.

Amo a mi novio bisexual.

I love my bisexual boyfriend!

Tu novio te está engañando.

Your boyfriend is cheating on you.

¿Cuántos años tiene tu novio?

How old is your boyfriend?

¡Extraño tanto a mi novio!

I miss my boyfriend so much!

Su novio es un idiota.

- Her boyfriend is an idiot.
- His boyfriend is an idiot.

¿Dónde conociste a tu novio?

Where did you meet your boyfriend?

Layla llamó a su novio.

Layla called her friend.

Mary rompió con su novio.

Mary broke up with her boyfriend.

Su novio es muy educado.

Her boyfriend is very polite.

Tom es mi novio guapo.

Tom is my handsome boyfriend.

- Tengo un amigo.
- Tengo novio.

- I have a friend.
- I have a boyfriend.

¿Cómo se llama tu novio?

What's your boyfriend's name?