Translation of "Asustada" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Asustada" in a sentence and their english translations:



Estoy muy asustada.

I'm very frightened.

Mi esposa parecía asustada.

My wife looked surprised.

Niños: Parece que... está asustada.

Children: She seems to be ... scared.

La gente está muy asustada.

People are very scared.

Porque fue agredida y está asustada.

because she's been physically injured and she's frightened.

Ella nunca había estado tan asustada.

- Never was she so frightened.
- She'd never been this frightened before.
- She'd never been so frightened.

- Estaba realmente asustado.
- Estaba realmente asustada.

I was really scared.

- Parece muy asustado.
- Parece muy asustada.

She looks very much afraid.

Era una niña, pero no estaba asustada.

- Child as she was, she was not afraid.
- She was a child, but she wasn't afraid.
- Even though she was a child, she wasn't afraid.

Ella está asustada de su propia sombra.

She is afraid of her own shadow.

Mary no quería admitir que estaba asustada.

Mary didn't want to admit that she was scared.

Ella estaba asustada del perro en la puerta.

She was afraid of the dog at the gate.

¿Por qué estás tan asustada? ¿Qué has visto?

Why are you so scared? What did you see?

- Mi esposa parecía asustada.
- Mi esposa parecía sorprendida.

My wife looked surprised.

- Espero que no estés asustado.
- Espero que no estés asustada.

- I hope that you aren't afraid.
- I hope that you're not afraid.

- Ahora estoy un poco asustado.
- Ahora estoy un poco asustada.

Now I'm a little scared.

Pero su hija va a mejorar porque ya no está asustada.

But her daughter’s going to get well; she’s not scared anymore.

Y puede llegarse a que la gente esté asustada de hablar abiertamente,

and it might get to the point where people are frightened to speak openly,

Vi la película llamada "El sacrificio del demonio" con mi novia ayer. Ella estaba muy asustada.

I watched the film named "The Demon's Sacrifice" with my girlfriend yesterday. She was very afraid.

- Sé que debes estar asustado.
- Sé que debes estar asustada.
- Sé que deben estar asustados.
- Sé que deben estar asustadas.

- I know you must be afraid.
- I know you must be scared.
- I know that you must be afraid.