Translation of "Aquel" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Aquel" in a sentence and their english translations:

Aquel banco

And that over there, pull into the bench press.

Hasta aquel día.

until that day.

Mira aquel edificio.

Look at that building.

Tú eres aquel.

- You are the one.
- You're the one.

Yo hice aquel.

I made that one.

Es aquel mostrador.

That counter there.

¿Este o aquel?

This one or that one?

- Aquel juego es aburrido.
- Aquel juego es un aburrimiento.

That game is boring.

- ¿Estás seguro de aquel reporte?
- ¿Estás seguro de aquel informe?

Are you positive of that report?

Durante aquel almuerzo silencioso

during that wordless lunch

Mira aquel gran edificio.

Look at the large building over there.

Mantén aquel diccionario contigo.

Keep the dictionary by you.

Aquel coche es carísimo.

That car is really expensive.

Aquel negocio vende carne.

They sell meat at that store.

Aquel perro no muerde.

That dog doesn't bite.

¿Cuándo ocurrió aquel accidente?

When did the accident happen?

Aquel niño no come.

That boy doesn't eat.

Me gusta aquel joven.

I like that young man.

¿Aquel es tu perro?

Is that your dog over there?

Aquel sujeto me molesta.

That guy annoys me.

Llovió mucho aquel invierno.

It rained a lot that winter.

¿Quién es aquel caballero?

Who is that gentleman?

Aquel juego es aburrido.

This game is boring.

Estaba lloviendo aquel día.

It was raining that day.

Estaba nevando aquel día.

It was snowing that day.

Aquel hombre sabía demasiado.

That man knew too much.

¿Estabas tomando aquel día?

Were you drinking that day?

Aquel cuchillo corta bien.

That knife cuts well.

Aquel día almorcé ahí.

That day I ate lunch there.

¿Qué es aquel edificio?

- What's that building?
- What is that building?

Aquel reloj se adelanta.

The clock is fast.

Aquel hombre comió pan.

That man ate bread.

Aquel caballo es blanco.

That horse is white.

Aquel producto es nocivo.

That product is harmful.

Es aquel jefe que admiras.

He is the boss you admire.

No escuches a aquel hombre.

- Don't listen to the man.
- Don't listen to that man.
- Don't listen to this man.

Aquel tipo es mi amigo.

That guy's a friend of mine.

Éste es parecido a aquel.

This one is similar to that one.

No obedezcas a aquel hombre.

Don't obey that man.

Deberían alejarse de aquel tipo.

You should stay away from that guy.

Aquel día sucedió algo espeluznante.

Something terrifying happened that day.

Teníamos dieciocho en aquel entonces.

We were eighteen at that time.

Terminé de leer aquel libro.

I've finished reading that book.

No conozco a aquel señor.

- I do not know that gentleman.
- I don't know that gentleman.

Prefiero aquel vestido a éste.

I prefer that dress to this one.

¡Qué idiota es aquel chico!

How stupid he is!

Me acuerdo de aquel día.

I remember that day.

Aquel invierno hizo mucho frío.

It was very cold that winter.

Llevaba mucho gas aquel automóvil.

That automobile was going very fast.

Aquel esfuerzo no dio fruto.

That effort bore no fruit.

Aquel hombre era un miserable.

That man was a wretch.

Aquel hombre me traía frito.

That man was pestering me.

Aquel grande también es mío.

That big one is also mine.

¿Estabas sobrio en aquel momento?

Were you sober at that time?

¿Qué es aquel alto edificio?

What's that tall building?

¿Terminaste de tejer aquel suéter?

Have you finished knitting that sweater?

¿Estás seguro de aquel reporte?

Are you positive of that report?

No parecías desear aquel libro.

You didn't seem to want that book.

¿Cuál prefieres: este o aquel?

Which would you prefer, this one or that one?

Aquel puente no es largo.

That bridge isn't long.