Translation of "¡su" in English

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "¡su" in a sentence and their english translations:

Su salud, su carrera,

their health, their careers,

Podría ser su hija, su hermana, su prima.

It could be your daughter, your sister, your cousin.

Su casa, su trabajo, restaurantes,

your home, your work, restaurants,

Su cumplimiento con su medicación,

her compliance with her medication,

Su sonrisa expresaba su gratitud.

Her smile expressed her thanks.

Su padre aprobó su plan.

- His father approved of his plan.
- Her father approved of his plan.
- His father approved of her plan.
- Her father approved of her plan.

- ¿Y su respiración?
- ¿Su respiración?

- Is he breathing?
- Is she breathing?

- Lamentamos su muerte.
- Lamentamos su deceso.
- Lamentamos su fallecimiento.

We regret his death.

Su encanto está en su jovialidad y su gentileza.

Her charm is compounded by her gaiety and kindness.

- Su madre se sentó a su izquierda.
- A su izquierda estaba sentada su madre.

On his left sat his mother.

- No sé su nombre.
- Desconozco su nombre.
- Ignoro su nombre.

I don't know his name.

Querían dar su palabra, su experiencia.

They wanted to talk, to share their experience.

Este es su bebé, su sueño.

This is your baby, your dream.

Y su amigo, su estúpido amigo,

And your friend, your stupid friend,

- Alcanzaron su meta.
- Consiguieron su objetivo.

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their aim.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Su buena memoria es su arma.

A good memory is his weapon.

- ¿Tienen su pasaporte?
- ¿Tiene su pasaporte?

Do you have your passport?

Su mentira pesó sobre su conciencia.

His lie weighed on his conscience.

Su bella esposa es su orgullo.

His beautiful wife is his pride.

Su respuesta depende de su humor.

His answer depends on his mood.

Su hijo está cumpliendo su condena.

His son is serving his sentence.

Su perro es su buen compañero.

His dog is his good companion.

Su único mérito es su ingenuidad.

Naivete is his only merit.

Su sangre escurría por su pecho.

Her blood flowed over her chest.

- ¿Eres su amiga?
- ¿Eres su amigo?

Are you her friend?

- Sigue su ejemplo.
- Siga su ejemplo.

Follow his example.

Perdió su empleo por su irresponsabilidad.

He lost his job through his irresponsibility.

Su tirada y hasta su tamaño.

its circulation and even its size.

- Anota su dirección.
- Apunta su dirección.

Write down his address.

- Admiro su coraje.
- Admiro su valor.

I admire his courage.

Su padre ha aprobado su plan.

His father approved of his plan.

Su éxito depende de su esfuerzo

His success is contingent upon his efforts.

Su madre murió en su cumpleaños.

Her mother died on her birthday.

Su posibilidad, comprométanse con su posibilidad.

Your possibility... commit to your possibility.

- ¿Eres su chulo?
- ¿Sos su fiolo?

Are you her pimp?

- Lamentamos su muerte.
- Lamentamos su fallecimiento.

We regret his death.

Su reinado llegó a su fin.

- His reign came to an end.
- His rule came to an end.

¿Lograrán su objetivos o su misión?

Will they accomplish their goals or their mission?

Su sitio web o su blog,

your website or your blog,

Su metadescripción, su etiqueta de encabezado,

your meta description, your heading tag,

El ciclismo no es su trabajo. Es su amor, su pasión.

Cycling is not her job. It's their love, their passion.

- Su expresión mostraba una gran alegría.
- Su mirada expresaba su alegría.

Her look expressed her joy.

Su encanto no radica en su físico, sino en su carácter.

His attraction lies in his character, not his looks.

- Ella es su amiga.
- Ella es su novia.
- Es su novia.

- She is his friend.
- She's his friend.

- Logró su cometido.
- Él alcanzó su objetivo.
- Él alcanzó su meta.

- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

- Él mantuvo su promesa.
- Él cumplió su promesa.
- Cumplió su palabra.

He kept his word.

- Logró su cometido.
- Él alcanzó su meta.
- Él consiguió su propósito.

- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.

Su refugio,

their safe haven,

Su equipo.

Your team.

Su héroe:

Their hero:

Su situación,

what their situation is,

Con su gorra o con su capucha,

with his hat, or with his hood,

Su vecino eligió irrumpir en su condominio,

their neighbor would choose to barge into their condominium,

Y su cerebro inmediatamente cambiará su atención.

and your brain will automatically shift in focus.

Que daña su brazo o su pierna.

that damaged his arm or her leg.

Su ideología conservadora y su activismo accidentado.

her conservative politics and her bumpy advocacy,

Sólo por su autoridad o su título.

just by your authority or your title.

Calmando su alma y ampliando su percepción.

calming your soul and opening your perception.

Su compasión y su sentido de vulnerabilidad.

and your compassion and your sense of vulnerability.

Su caso fue desestimado en su totalidad.

his case was dismissed in its entirety.

Es su mayor enemigo en su pueblo

is his biggest enemy in his people

De su posición y forzar su abdicación.

of his position, and force his abdication.

- Soy de su opinión.
- Comparto su opinión.

- I share his opinion.
- I share her opinion.

- Ella mantuvo su promesa.
- Mantuvo su promesa.

She kept her promise.

- Hemos aceptado su oferta.
- Aceptamos su oferta.

We accepted his offer.

Atribuimos su éxito a su incansable trabajo.

We ascribe his success to hard work.

Ella sacrificó su salud por su trabajo.

She worked at the cost of her health.

Su ingenio compensa su falta de experiencia.

Her genius makes up for her lack of experience.

- Logró su cometido.
- Él alcanzó su meta.

- He achieved his purpose.
- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Él dio su vida por su país.

He gave up his life for his country.

Su conversación la distrajo de su pesar.

His talk distracted her from grief.

Su fracaso se debe a su ignorancia.

His failure is due to his ignorance.

A su izquierda estaba sentada su madre.

On his left sat his mother.

Su fracaso se debió a su holgazanería.

His failure was due to his idleness.

Su hijo es su decepción más amarga.

His son is his bitterest disappointment.

- Él perdió su reloj.
- Perdió su reloj.

- He lost his watch.
- He's lost his watch.

- He olvidado su nombre.
- Olvidé su nombre.

I forget his name.

Su hija volvió corriendo a su habitación.

His daughter ran back to her room.

- Olvidé su dirección.
- He olvidado su dirección.

I forgot his address.

- Ella es su amiga.
- Es su amiga.

- She is her friend.
- She is his friend.
- She's your friend.

- Su novia adelgazó.
- Su novia perdió peso.

His girlfriend has lost weight.

Él sintió su mano sobre su hombro.

He felt her hand on his shoulder.

Ella puso su pañuelo en su herida.

She applied her handkerchief to his wound.

Su madre se sentó a su izquierda.

- On his left sat his mother.
- His mother is sitting to the left of him.
- His mother is sitting on his left.

Tom puso su teléfono en su bolsillo.

Tom put his phone in his pocket.