Translation of "¡incluso" in English

0.062 sec.

Examples of using "¡incluso" in a sentence and their english translations:

Incluso allí.

even there.

Incluso ahí,

even there,

- Incluso Instagram.

- Even Instagram.

E incluso aquí.

and even here.

Sí, incluso dispararnos.

Yeah, even shoot us.

Incluso en Haití,

even in Haiti,

E, incluso, hermosas.

and even beautiful,

O incluso detenerlos,

or some of them even stop you,

O incluso Alzheimer

or even Alzheimer's disease

E incluso mejora.

And it gets even better.

Incluso haciendo esto

even doing this

Poesía incluso ahora.

poetry even now.

Incluso yo perdí.

Even I was defeated.

Incluso Tom sonrió.

Even Tom smiled.

Incluso me aceptarían.

They would accept me, also.

Incluso Tom mintió.

Even Tom lied.

- Me sentía incluso más pequeño.
- Me sentía incluso más pequeña.

I felt even smaller.

- Incluso los paranoides tienen enemigos.
- Incluso los paranoicos tienen enemigos.

Even paranoids have enemies.

O incluso este otro.

Or even this one.

Incluso antes de intentarlo.

before you even try it.

Exceptuando la vejez incluso,

even excepting old age,

Incluso enturbia sus recuerdos,

and it also just blurs your memories,

Incluso hay muchas compañías

There are even a host of companies and organizations out there

O incluso aprendices kinestésicos.

or even kinesthetic learners.

Las investigaciones incluso muestran...

research even shows ...

E incluso la salud.

and even your health.

Incluso en las nubes.

even clouds in the sky.

Incluso las partes compulsivas.

even the compulsive parts.

O incluso de miedo.

or even scary.

E, incluso, transacciones financieras.

even financial transactions.

E incluso salvar vidas.

and even save lives.

E incluso nuevas industrias.

and even new industries.

Incluso el más grande

even the biggest

Incluso las mejores instituciones,

even the very best institutions,

Es inútil incluso ahorrando.

It is not worthwhile saving money.

Incluso me llamó idiota.

He even called me an idiot.

Incluso diez empresas norteamericanas

Incluso los más pobres.

Even the poorest.

Pero incluso si fallamos,

but even if we failed,

Incluso Tom sabía eso.

Even Tom knew that.

Trabajo incluso los domingos.

I work even on Sunday.

Incluso Tom lo sabe.

Even Tom knows that.

Incluso Dan estaba desorientado.

Even Dan was baffled.

Incluso si me hundes.

even if you pull me under.

¡Incluso puedes ser presidente!

You can even be a president!

Ellos incluso escuchaban música.

They even listened to music.

Incluso Tom estaba desconcertado.

Even Tom was baffled.

"e incluso puedes incrustarlo"

"and you can even embed it"

Incluso Forbes, Business Insiders,

even the Forbes, the Business Insiders,

Pero incluso en negocios--

but even in business--

- Sí, incluso Instagram. - Acortarlos

- Yeah even Instagram. - Shorten them

Incluso podría ser videos.

it could even be videos.

Algunos incluso un minuto.

Some are even one minute.

- Podría llevar semanas, incluso meses.
- Podría llevar semanas, incluso hasta meses.

It could take weeks, even months.

- ¡Incluso puedes ser presidente!
- ¡Tú incluso podrías llegar a la presidencia!

You can even be a president!

- Trabajo hasta los domingos.
- Trabajo incluso el domingo.
- Trabajo incluso los domingos.

I work even on Sunday.

- Viene incluso cuando tiene cosas que hacer.
- Viene incluso cuando está ocupado.

Even if he is busy, he will come.

Incluso sin intermediación de productos,

even without the intermediary of products,

Incluso varias veces al día.

sometimes several times a day.

O feos, insalubres, incluso desagradables,

or bad, unhealthy, even gross,

Incluso, a algunos, nos envalentonan

They also, for some of us, embolden us

Incluso siendo estrategias muy comunes,

even though they're very commonly used strategies,

Incluso si son comúnmente aceptadas.

even if they're commonly believed.

Incluso aunque uno sea delgado.

even if you're slim.

Lo mismo e incluso peor.

The same thing and even worse.

Agresores, incluso si hay emociones.

Aggressors, even when emotion is involved.

Algunos incluso con sabor. (Risas)

Some batches even flavored - (Laughter)

Incluso este tipo de árbol,

even this sort of tree here...

Incluso filmando su propia porno

even shooting their own porn

Incluso los fascistas buscan comunidad,

Even fascists seek community,

Incluso mi peso puede supercuantificarse.

Even my weight can be super-quantified;

Incluso con mis peores enemigos.

even my most fierce opponents.

Incluso puede que no existas".

You might as well not exist."

Incluso en el orden ahora

even in the order now

Incluso su esposa e hija

even his wife and daughter

Incluso los animales se cuentan

even the animals are counted

O incluso toman las armas.

or even take up arms.

Incluso los animales más diminutos.

even the tiniest little animals.

Incluso si llueve, yo empezaré.

Even if it rains, I'll start.

Incluso el alcalde respira dioxina.

Even the mayor breathes dioxin.

Hay mosquitos incluso en Grecia.

There are mosquitoes even in Greece.

Vendrá incluso si está ocupado.

Even if he is busy, he will come.

"Todos están invitados." "¿Incluso Tom?"

"Everybody is invited." "Even Tom?"

Incluso un niño puede responderlo.

Even a child can answer it.

Incluso ahora, no sería posible.

Even now, it wouldn't be possible.

Incluso las cabras tienen barba.

Even goats have beards.

Incluso un niño puede entenderlo.

Even children can understand it.

Duplicar o incluso triplicar sus

double or even triple their

Incluso Estados Unidos intentó cambiar.

Even America attempted to switch over.

Incluso hice reír a Tom.

I even made Tom laugh.