Translation of "залпом" in English

0.076 sec.

Examples of using "залпом" in a sentence and their english translations:

Он залпом осушил стакан.

- He downed the glass in one.
- He drained the glass in one draught.

Грета залпом выпила пиво.

- Greta chugged the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one swig.
- Greta downed the beer in one draught.
- Greta downed the beer in one.

Том залпом выпил рюмку текилы.

Tom drank the shot of tequila down in one gulp.

Том залпом выпил весь сок.

Tom drank all the juice in one gulp.

Он залпом осушил свой стакан.

- He drained his glass in one gulp.
- He emptied his glass in one gulp.

Мэри выпила залпом большой стакан апельсинового сока.

Mary gulped down a tall glass of orange juice.

Он поднес стакан ко рту и выпил одним залпом.

He raised the glass to his mouth and drained it all in one shot.