Translation of "висели" in English

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Examples of using "висели" in a sentence and their english translations:

Их шляпы висели здесь.

Their hats are hanging over there.

Его рисунки висели на стене.

His pictures were hung on the wall.

В воздухе висели тяжёлые тучи.

Heavy clouds were suspended in the air.

На стене висели шляпа и пальто.

There were a hat and a coat on the wall.

Все картины в комнате висели криво.

All the paintings in the room hung crooked.

На той стене висели красивые фотографии.

There were nice pictures on that wall.

У Тома на стене раньше висели постеры с рок-музыкантами.

Tom used to have posters of rock musicians on his wall.

Она любила прогуливаться по большому залу, где висели портреты её предков.

She was very fond of walking through the great hall, where hung the portraits of her ancestors.

и когда мы висели в последний раз, когда вы были похожи,

and when we were hanging out last time you were like,