Translation of "Tratou" in English

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Examples of using "Tratou" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom me tratou com indiferença.

Tom gave me the cold shoulder.

Ela o tratou muito bem.

She treated him very well.

Ela o tratou como um cachorro.

She treated him like a dog.

Tom tratou Maria como uma criança.

Tom treated Mary like a child.

Ela tratou de sua perna fraturada.

- She treated him for a broken leg.
- She treated his broken leg.

Ela o tratou como um rei.

She treated him like a king.

O médico tratou a paciente com antibióticos.

The doctor treated the patient with antibiotics.

Eu não gostei do jeito que o Tom tratou seu cachorro.

- I didn't like the way Tom treated his dog.
- I didn't like the way that Tom treated his dog.

O dono do time jogou a toalha, reconhecendo a derrota, e tratou de planejar como ganhar a partida seguinte.

The manager threw in the towel in defeat and planned how to win the next game.

Caro vovô, lembre-se de que eu estive muito doente, para morrer logo, e seu irmão, doutor Henrique, há muito falecido, me tratou, e eu vivo, porque ele era deveras bom médico e um bom, muito bondoso homem.

Dear grandpa, remember that I had been so ill that I would die soon, and your brother, Doctor Henry, dead for so long, treated me, and I live because he was really a good doctor and a good and very kind man.

Ao ouvir essa história contada pela mulher: "Eis de que maneira o teu escravo me tratou", o marido ficou furioso. Mandou apanhar José e metê-lo no cárcere onde ficavam os prisioneiros do rei. E ali José ficou preso.

His master hearing these things, and giving too much credit to his wife's words, was very angry, and cast Joseph into the prison, where the king's prisoners were kept, and he was there shut up.