Translation of "Estufa" in English

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Examples of using "Estufa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Eles cultivam morangos em sua estufa.

They grow strawberries in their greenhouse.

Ela libera gases potentes de EFEITO ESTUFA.

It releases potent greenhouse gases.

A energia hidrelétrica não emite gases do efeito estufa.

Hydropower doesn't emit greenhouse gases.

Os vizinhos fizeram de sua varanda uma verdadeira estufa.

- The neighbours have turned their balcony into a proper greenhouse.
- The neighbours turned their balcony into a proper greenhouse.
- The neighbours have made their balcony into a proper greenhouse.
- The neighbours made their balcony into a proper greenhouse.
- The neighbours have been making their balcony into a proper greenhouse.

Seria o terceiro maior emissor de gases do EFEITO ESTUFA,

it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases,

O CO₂ tem muito a ver com o que chamam de efeito-estufa.

CO₂ has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect.

A queima de carvão é responsável por mais de 40% das emissões de gás estufa na Austrália.

The burning of coal is responsible for more than 40% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

O velho sentou-se, confortavelmente, próximo à estufa aquecida. Diante do fogo, que ardia vivamente, algumas maçãs assavam.

The old man sat cosily by his warm stove. The fire was blazing brightly and some apples were roasting in front of it.

Então não estamos apenas lutando contra a fome, mas estamos na verdade, diminuindo o lixo, o EFEITO ESTUFA e o AQUECIMENTO GLOBAL

we’re not only fighting hunger, but we’re actually slowing global warming.

Com uma redução substancial e racionada da emissão de gases do efeito estufa, o aumento da média de temperatura anual relativo a era pré-industrial poderia ser limitado a 3,6°F (2°C).

With substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the increase in global annual average temperature relative to preindustrial times could be limited to less than 3.6°F (2°C).