Translation of "Compostos" in English

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Examples of using "Compostos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Os compostos orgânicos são geralmente compostos moleculares.

Organic compounds are generally molecular compounds.

Aminas são compostos nitrogenados.

Amines are nitrogenous compounds.

Os lipídios são compostos orgânicos.

Lipids are organic compounds.

Os ácidos nucleicos são compostos orgânicos.

Nucleic acids are organic compounds.

Nossos corpos são compostos de células.

Our bodies are made of cells.

Os Estados Unidos são compostos por 50 estados.

- America is made up of 50 states.
- The United States is made up of 50 states.

"Qual é a maior invenção da mente humana?" "Os juros compostos!"

"What is the greatest invention of the human mind?" "The compound interest!"

Os seus olhos, compostos por milhares de lentes minúsculas, absorvem toda a luz disponível.

His eyes, made of thousands of tiny lenses, collect every last bit of available light.

A teoria científica que eu mais gosto é a de que os anéis de Saturno são compostos inteiramente de bagagens perdidas.

The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage.