Translation of "Voltak" in English

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Examples of using "Voltak" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Voltak rémálmaid?
- Rémálmaid voltak?

Did you have nightmares?

- Hányan voltak ott?
- Mennyien voltak?

How many of them were there?

- Mekkorák voltak?
- Milyen magasak voltak?

How large were they?

- Mindenütt virágok voltak.
- Mindenhol virágok voltak.

There were flowers all around.

- Mindenhol gyertyák voltak.
- Gyertyák voltak mindenütt.

Candles were everywhere.

- Egyszerűen voltak öltözve.
- Egyszerűen voltak felöltözve.

They were plainly dressed.

Pedig voltak.

but I did.

Voltak barátaim.

I had friends.

Nagyszerűek voltak.

You've been awesome.

Techmilliárdosok voltak.

They were tech billionaires.

Elégedettek voltak.

They were satisfied.

Voltak törekvései.

He had ambition.

Naivak voltak.

They were naive.

Féltékenyek voltak.

They were jealous.

Betegek voltak.

They were sick.

Csalódottak voltak.

They were disappointed.

Jók voltak?

Were they any good?

Hősök voltak.

They were heroes.

Elégedetlenek voltak.

They were discontented.

Részegek voltak.

They were drunk.

Éhesek voltak.

They were hungry.

Kétségeim voltak.

I had my doubts.

Fegyvereik voltak.

They had weapons.

Voltak problémák?

Were there any problems?

Voltak túlélők.

There were survivors.

Mezítláb voltak.

They were barefoot.

Komolyan voltak.

They were serious.

Voltak hibák.

There were errors.

Zavargások voltak.

There were riots.

Vidámak voltak.

They were cheerful.

Voltak sérülések.

There have been injuries.

Kérdések voltak.

There were questions.

Voltak kockázatok.

There were risks.

Szolgák voltak.

They were servants.

Itt voltak?

Were they here?

Dühösek voltak.

They were angry.

Felnőttek voltak.

They were adults.

Piszkosak voltak.

They were dirty.

Barátok voltak.

They were friends.

Jók voltak.

They were good.

Itt voltak.

They were here.

Együtt voltak.

They were together.

Gyengék voltak.

They were weak.

Vizesek voltak.

They were wet.

Kint voltak.

They were outside.

Szívfájdalmai voltak.

She was ill with heart disease.

Kétségeink voltak.

We had doubts.

Voltak kételyeid?

Did you have any doubts?

Fáradtak voltak.

They were tired.

Voltak pánikrohamai?

Have you been having panic attacks?

Sokan voltak?

Were there a lot of people?

- Az enyéim voltak.
- Azok az enyéim voltak.

They were mine.

- Üresek voltak az utcák.
- Az utcák üresek voltak.

The streets were empty.

- Soha sem voltak egyedül.
- Soha nem voltak egyedül.

They were never alone.

- Sokan voltak a szobában.
- Sokan voltak a helyiségben.

There were a lot of people in the room.

- Hányan voltak az esküvődön?
- Hányan voltak az esküvőtökön?

How many people were at your wedding?

- Mindketten ki voltak.
- Mind a ketten fáradtak voltak.

They were both tired.

Voltak bizalmas telefonok,

There were phone calls that had sensitive

Nehéz heteim voltak.

These have been really hard couple of weeks.

55-en voltak.

There were 55 of them.

Kemény rendőrök voltak.

They had a hard police.

Miért voltak veszélyesek?

[Kusturica in English] Why were you so dangerous?

Több százezren voltak.

Hundreds of thousands of them.

Ezrek voltak ott.

Thousands of people were there.

Felváltva voltak szolgálatban.

- They were on duty by turns.
- They took turns on duty.

Erőfeszítései gyümölcsözőek voltak.

His efforts bore fruit.

Eredetileg gazdálkodók voltak.

- Originally they were farmers.
- They were originally farmers.

Nem voltak kétségeim.

I had no doubts.

Nem voltak lenyűgözve.

- They were not impressed.
- They were unimpressed.
- They weren't impressed.

Nem voltak elragadtatva.

They were unimpressed.

Negyvenen voltak jelen.

Forty people were present.

Nem voltak titkaink.

We had no secrets.

Hányan voltak ott?

- How many were there?
- How many of them were there?

Hányan voltak itt?

How many were there?

Nem voltak kések.

There were no knives.

Nem voltak villák.

There were no forks.

Nagy fájdalmaim voltak.

I was in a lot of pain.

Éppen itt voltak.

They were right here.

Nem voltak problémáim.

I didn't have any problems.

Visszafogottan voltak öltözve.

They were plainly dressed.

Meddig voltak ott?

- How long were you there?
- How long were they there?

Nagyon izgatottak voltak.

They were very excited.

Hasonló érzéseim voltak.

I've had similar feelings.

Sokan voltak ott.

Many people were there.

Nagyon csinosak voltak.

They were very pretty.

Sosem voltak egyedül.

They were never alone.

Mindketten meztelenek voltak.

Both were naked.

Nem voltak újságok.

There were no newspapers.

Vegyes érzéseim voltak.

I had mixed feelings.

Nem voltak gyászolók.

There were no mourners.

Nem voltak szemtanúk.

There were no eyewitnesses.

Milyen színűek voltak?

What color were they?

A fiókomban voltak.

These were in my drawer.