Translation of "Baums" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Baums" in a sentence and their english translations:

Alle Blätter des Baums sind gelb geworden.

All of the tree's leaves turned yellow.

Die Wurzeln des Baums haben an verschiedenen Stellen des Bürgersteigs den Zement durchbrochen.

The tree roots have burst through the cement at several points along the sidewalk.

- Alle Blätter des Baums sind gelb geworden.
- Alle Blätter des Baumes sind gelb geworden.

- All the leaves on the tree turned yellow.
- All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow.
- All of the tree's leaves turned yellow.

Ein vollendeter Mensch sollte der Tugend des Baums nacheifern. Je mehr der Baum wächst, desto schöner und zarter wird er, aber inwendig härter und stärker.

A human being in perfection should emulate the virtue of the tree. The more the tree grows, the more beautiful and softer it turns, but internally tougher and stronger.