Translation of "Rothschild" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Rothschild" in a sentence and their english translations:

Et les Rothschild?

What about the Rothschilds?

"Et les Rothschild?"

"How about the Rothschilds?"

Théorie de Rothschild.

Rothschild theory.

Place des Juifs: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bilderberger ...

instead of the Jews: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bilderberger ...

♪ Théorie Rothschild, est maintenant assassiné! ♪

♪ Rothschild theory, now is murdered! ♪

Je viens de laisser tomber la "théorie Rothschild".

Just dropped the "Rothschild theory".

Puis une chanson me vient à l'esprit: "069", puis "Rothschild theory".

Then a song comes to mind: "069", and then "Rothschild theory".

Selon elles, Georges Soros et la famille Rothschild seraient derrière les manifestants.

According to them, George SOROS and the ROTHSCHILD family would are behind the protesters.