Translation of "Déshabilla" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Déshabilla" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il la déshabilla des yeux.

He undressed her with his eyes.

Tom se déshabilla et mit son pyjama.

- Tom took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.
- Tom took his clothes off and put his pajamas on.
- Tom took his clothes off and put on his pajamas.

Tom se déshabilla et mit le pyjama.

Tom took his clothes off and put the pyjamas on.

Elle se déshabilla pour prendre un bain.

She undressed to take a bath.

Le garçon se déshabilla puis enfila son pyjama.

The boy took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.

Elle déshabilla l'enfant et le mit au bain.

She stripped the child and put him in the bath.

Tom se déshabilla et entra dans la baignoire.

Tom undressed and got in the bathtub.

- Il l'a déshabillée des yeux.
- Il la déshabilla des yeux.

He undressed her with his eyes.