Translation of "With  " in Turkish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "With  " in a sentence and their turkish translations:

With arguments, with reason,

ama muhakeme etmiyorlarsa,

To speak up with concerns, with questions, with ideas, with mistakes.

tamamen normal ve hatta beklenilen bir şey olması olarak tanımlıyorum.

Communicating with each other with vulnerability,

Birbirimizle savunmasızlıkla iletişim kurmak

- Come with us.
- Come with us!

Bizimle gel.

- Come with me.
- Come with me!

Yanımda gel!

Come with me, come with us!

Benimle gelin, bizimle gelin!

- Go with them!
- Go with them.

Onlarla birlikte git!

- Stay with him.
- Stay with her.

Onunla kal.

Field with eyes, forest with ears.

Orman gözlü orman kulaklı.

- Deal with it.
- Deal with this.

Bununla ilgilen.

- Go with him.
- Go with her.

Onunla git.

- Check with him.
- Check with her.

Ona danış.

- Deal with it!
- Deal with it.

Onunla ilgilen.

- I stay with you.
- I'll stay with you.
- I'll stick with you.
- I'll sit with you.
- I'm sticking with you.

Seninle oturacağım.

- Come along with me.
- Come with me.
- You're coming with me.

Benimle gelin.

With disdain.


With pleasure!


- Sit down with me.
- Sit with me.

Benimle otur.

- Come along with me.
- Come with me.

Benimle birlikte gel.

- I'm with you.
- I am with you.

Ben seninleyim.

Earn with both hands, spend with one.

İki elle kazan, biriyle harca.

- Deal with it.
- You deal with it.

Onunla ilgilen!

- Come along with us.
- Come with us.

Bizimle gel.

- We're with you.
- We are with you.

- Sizinleyiz.
- Yanındayız.
- Yanınızdayız.

- Go with me.
- Come with me, OK?

Benimle gel, tamam mı?

- Stay with them.
- Go be with them.

Onlarla birlikte olmaya git.

- Stay with him.
- Go be with him.

Onunla birlikte olmaya git.

- Stay with her.
- Go be with her.

Onunla birlikte olmaya git.

Down with the police! Down with autocracy!

Kahrolsun polis! Kahrolsun otokrasi!

- I work with him.
- I'm studying with him.
- I'm studying with her.

Onunla çalışıyorum.

- I'm coming with you.
- I will come with you.
- I'll be going with you.
- I'll go with you.
- I'll come with you.
- I'll go along with you.

Seninle gidiyor olacağım.

- He who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas.
- He who sleeps with dogs gets up with fleas.

- Kır atın yanında duran ya suyundan ya huyundan alır.
- İtle yatan bitle kalkar.
- Körle yatan şaşı kalkar.
- Üzüm üzüme baka baka kızarır.

- Tom wasn't with Mary. He was with someone else.
- Tom wasn't with Mary. He was with somebody else.

Tom Mary ile beraber değildi. Başka biriyle beraberdi.

- I will come with you.
- I am going with you.
- I'll be going with you.
- I'll go with you.
- I'm going with you.
- I'm going to go with you.

- Sizinle geleceğim.
- Seninle geliyorum.
- Seninle gideceğim.
- Seninle birlikte gidiyorum.
- Seninle gidiyorum.
- Seninle gidiyor olacağım.

My relationship with people, with humans was changing.

İnsanlarla olan ilişkim değişti.

It starts with CHI and ends with NA.

Ç ile başlıyor ve N ile bitiyor.

- Down with corrupt politicians.
- Down with corrupt politicians!

Yolsuzluk yapan siyasetçiler kahrolsun.

Write with a pen, not with a pencil.

Bir dolma kalemle yaz, bir kurşun kalemle değil.

The park was crowded with people with children.

Park çocuklu insanlarla dolu.

You either go with me, or with him.

Ya benimle gelirsin ya da onunla.

- What's up with Tom?
- What's wrong with Tom?

Tom'un nesi var?

- I'm with a client.
- I'm with a customer.

Bir müşteri ile birlikteyim.

Go with who you want to go with.

Gitmek istediğinle birlikte git.

Eat with who you want to eat with.

Yemek istediğin kişiyle ye.

- Be careful with it.
- Be careful with that.

Onunla dikkatli ol.

- Come with me, please.
- Please come with me.

Lütfen benimle gel.

- Don't play with fire.
- Don't play with fire!

Ateşle oynamayın.

- What's the matter with you?
- What's with you?

- Derdin ne senin?
- Senin neyin var?

- I'm OK with that.
- I'm okay with that.

Ben bu konuda iyiyim.

Lift with the legs, not with the back.

Bacaklarınla kaldır, sırtınla değil.

- Stay here with us.
- Stay with us here.

Bizimle burada kal.

- Peace be with you!
- Peace be with you.

Barış seninle olsun.

- I'm good with children.
- I'm good with kids.

Ben çocuklarla iyiyim.

- I'm going with Tom.
- I'm riding with Tom.

Tom'la yolculuk yapıyorum.

- I'll deal with this.
- I'll deal with it.

Ben onunla ilgileneceğim.

- They're with me.
- These two are with me.

Onlar benimle birlikte.

- Who was with you?
- Who's there with you?

Seninle birlikte oradaki kim?

- We'll go with you.
- We'll come with you.

Seninle birlikte gideceğiz.

- I'll sit with him.
- I'll sit with her.

Onunla oturacağım.

- I'll stick with her.
- I'll stay with her.

Onunla kalacağım.

- What's with everybody?
- What's the matter with everybody?

Herkesin nesi var?

- She glows with happiness.
- She's beaming with happiness.

O mutluluktan kızarıyor.

- What are you busy with?
- Busy with what?

Neyle meşgulsün?

- I'll stick with Tom.
- I'll stay with Tom.

Tom'la birlikte kalacağım.

- I've worked with Tom.
- I worked with Tom.

Tom'la çalıştım.

- Don't mess with me!
- Don't mess with me.

Benimle uğraşma.

- Wasn't Tom with you?
- Isn't Tom with you?

Tom seninle değil miydi?

- Nothing's wrong with him.
- Nothing's wrong with her.

Onun bir sorunu yok.

- I'm sticking with him.
- I'm sticking with her.

Onunla beraber kalıyorum.

- I'll stick with him.
- I'll stay with him.

Onunla kalacağım.

- I talked with her.
- I spoke with her.

Onunla konuştum.

- I'm riding with him.
- I'm riding with her.

Onunla yolculuk ediyorum.

- I'll ride with him.
- I'll ride with her.

Onunla arabaya bineceğim.

- Don't mess with him.
- Don't mess with her.

Onunla dalaşma.

- I'm walking with her.
- I'm going with her.

Onunla gidiyorum.

- I disagree with you.
- I disagree with her.

Ben ona katılmıyorum.

- Bring him with you.
- Bring her with you.

Onu yanında getir.

- You're coming with me.
- You're coming with me!

Benimle geliyorsun!

- Stay here with me.
- Stay with me here.

Benimle burada kal.

- Were you with anyone?
- Was anybody with you?

- Biriyle birlikte miydin?
- Biriyle miydin?

- She walked with someone.
- She walked with somebody.

Biriyle geziyordu.

- Who'll come with you?
- Who's coming with you?

Kim seninle gelecek?

- God be with you.
- God be with you!

Allah yardımcın olsun.

- I agree with Tom.
- I agreed with Tom.

Tom'a katılıyorum.

- I quite agree with you.
- I agree with you absolutely.
- I agree with you completely.
- I actually agree with you.
- I absolutely agree with you.

Aslında seninle aynı fikirdeyim.

- Something's wrong with him.
- There's something wrong with him.
- There's something wrong with her.

Onun bir sorunu var.

- I'll stay with you.
- I'll stick with you.
- I'm going to stay with you.

Seninle kalacağım.

- I'll stick with them.
- I'm going to stay with them.
- I'll stay with them.

Onlarla kalacağım.