Translation of "Furious  " in Turkish

0.069 sec.

Examples of using "Furious  " in a sentence and their turkish translations:

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's furious.

Tom kızgın.

- He became furious.
- He got furious.


I'm furious.

Ben öfkeliyim.

I'm furious!

Ben öfkeliyim!

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's frantic.
- Tom's furious.

Tom öfkeli.

- Tom may be furious.
- Tom might be furious.

Tom öfkeli olabilir.

I was furious.


Tom was furious.

Tom kızmıştı.

She was furious.

O öfkeliydi.

Tom became furious.

Tom öfkelendi.

Are you furious?

Öfkeli misin?

She looked furious.

O kızgın görünüyordu.

He looked furious.

O öfkeli görünüyordu.

I'm absolutely furious.

Ben kesinlikle kızgınım.

Tom looks furious.

Tom öfkeli görünür.

He became furious.


Tom looked furious.

Tom öfkeli görünüyordu.

Republicans were furious.

Cumhuriyetçiler çok kızgındı.

I got furious.

Kan beynime çıktı.

I became furious.

Ben öfkeli oldum.

Aren't you furious?

Öfkeli değil misin?

- Tom must be furious.
- Tom has to be furious.

Tom öfkeli olmalı.

- Tom must've been furious.
- Tom must have been furious.

Tom öfkeli olmalı.

- Tom said he's furious.
- Tom said that he's furious.

Tom öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

- Tom will be furious.
- Tom is going to be furious.

Tom öfkeli olacaktır.

- Tom will probably be furious.
- Tom is likely to be furious.
- Tom will likely be furious.
- Tom is probably going to be furious.
- Tom is likely going to be furious.

Tom muhtemelen öfkeli olacak.

His parents were furious.

Onun ailesi öfkeliydi.

My parents were furious.

Ebeveynlerim öfkeliydi.

It made me furious.

Bu beni kızdırdı.

Tom looks absolutely furious.

Tom kesinlikle öfkeli görünüyor.

Right now, I'm furious.

Şu anda öfkeliyim.

My mother was furious.

Annem çok öfkeliydi.

I'm furious with Tom.

Tom'a öfkeliyim.

I'm furious with you.

Sana kızgınım.

I'm furious with them.

Onlara kızgınım.

I'm furious with him.

Ona kızgınım.

I'm furious with her.

Ona kızgınım.

The governor was furious.

Vali öfkeliydi.

President Roosevelt was furious.

Başkan Roosevelt öfkelendi.

It makes me furious.

O beni kızdırır.

You're furious, aren't you?

Öfkelisin, değil mi?

She made him furious.

O onu kızdırdı.

- Tom said I looked furious.
- Tom said that I looked furious.

Tom öfkeli göründüğümü söyledi.

- Tom said Mary isn't furious.
- Tom said that Mary isn't furious.

Tom Mary'nin öfkeli olmadığını söyledi.

- Tom said that he was furious.
- Tom said he was furious.

Tom öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

- Tom knew that I was furious.
- Tom knew I was furious.

Tom öfkeli olduğumu biliyordu.

- Tom said Mary was furious.
- Tom said that Mary was furious.

Tom Mary'nin öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

- They said they were furious.
- They said that they were furious.

Öfkelendiklerini söylediler.

I'm furious at you, Tom.

Sana kızgınım, Tom.

Tom was furious with Mary.

Tom Mary'ye karşı çok öfkeliydi.

It was a furious battle.

Şiddetli bir savaştı.

The evil empire is furious.

Şer imparatorluğu çok kızgın.

You're gonna make me furious!

Sen beni öfkelendireceksin!

Tom will probably be furious.

Tom muhtemelen öfkeli olacak.

Tom is furious, isn't he?

Tom öfkeli, değil mi?

Tom will likely be furious.

Tom muhtemelen öfkeli olacak.

- I know Tom will be furious.
- I know that Tom will be furious.

Tom'un öfkeleneceğini biliyorum.

- I think Tom will be furious.
- I think that Tom will be furious.

Bence Tom öfkeli olacak.

- Tom told me that he was furious.
- Tom told me he was furious.

Tom bana öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

- I suspect Tom will be furious.
- I suspect that Tom will be furious.

Tom'un öfkeli olacağından şüpheleniyorum.

Mother will be furious for sure!

Annem kesinlikle öfkeli olacak!

Tom is going to be furious.

Tom öfkelenecek.

Why aren't you furious with me?

Neden bana kızgın değilsin?

She was furious with her sister.

O, kız kardeşine öfkelendi.

The governor of Texas was furious.

Teksas valisi kızgındı.

- Tom got furious.
- Tom became outraged.

Tom hiddetlendi.

- He was outraged.
- He was furious.

Ona hakaret edildi.

Tom must be furious with Mary.

Tom, Mary'ye kızgın olmalı.

The furious mob attacked the building.

Öfkeli kalabalık binaya saldırdı.

Tom wasn't furious, but Mary was.

Tom öfkeli değildi, ama Mary öfkeliydi.

- It seemed Tom and Mary were furious.
- It seemed that Tom and Mary were furious.

Tom ve Mary öfkeli görünüyordu.

- Tom said Mary was furious.
- Tom said Mary is furious.
- Tom said Mary is mad.
- Tom said that Mary was furious.
- Tom said that Mary is mad.
- Tom said that Mary is furious.

Tom Mary'nin öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was furious.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was furious.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was furious.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary was furious.

Tom bana Mary'nin öfkeli olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi.

Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.

Özür dilemesine rağmen, hâlâ öfkeliyim.

Tom is furious at what Mary did.

Tom Mary'nin yaptığına kızgın.

If you refuse, Tom will be furious.

Reddedersen Tom öfkelenir.

Tom had never seen Mary so furious.

Tom Mary'yi bu kadar öfkeli görmemişti.

I got furious when Tom said that.

Tom onu söylediğinde öfkelendim.

Tom would be furious if he knew.

Tom bilseydi öfkeli olurdu.

Tom told Mary that he was furious.

Tom, Mary'ye öfkeli olduğunu söyledi.

Tom is likely going to be furious.

Tom muhtemelen öfkeli olacak.

- He fell into a rage.
- He got angry.
- He became furious.
- He became angry.
- He got furious.

Çok öfkelendi.

- Tom will be furious if you do that.
- Tom is going to be furious if you do that.

Bunu yaparsan Tom öfkeli olacak.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary would be furious.
- Tom told me he thought Mary would be furious.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary would be furious.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary would be furious.

Tom bana Mary'nin öfkeli olacağını düşündüğünü söyledi.

Because your wife is absolutely furious with you,

Eşiniz size fena halde kızmış.

For some reason, she's really furious with me.

Nedense, o bana gerçekten kızgın.

Tom will be furious when he finds out.

Tom öğrendiğinde öfkelenecek.

- Tom made Mary angry.
- Tom made Mary furious.

Tom, Mary'yi kızdırdı.

- Tom was angry with Mary.
- Tom was furious with Mary.
- Tom was furious at Mary.
- Tom was mad at Mary.

Tom, Mary'ye kızgındı.

Furious, he picked up a  scaling ladder and shouted,  

Öfkeyle bir ölçek merdiveni aldı ve bağırdı,

- He looked furious.
- He looked angry.
- He seemed angry.

O kızgın görünüyordu.

If Tom was angry before, he'll be furious now.

Eğer Tom daha önce kızgın olsaydı, şimdi öfkeli olurdu.

When Fadil found out the truth, he was furious.

Fadıl gerçeği öğrendiğinde kızgındı.

When Tom found out the truth, he was furious.

Tom gerçeği öğrendiğinde öfkeliydi.

Tom is probably going to be furious about that.

Tom muhtemelen onun hakkında öfkeli olacak.

Sami was furious when he heard of Layla's affair.

Sami, Leyla'nın ilişkisini duyunca öfkelendi.