Translation of "Restless" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Restless" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm restless.

- Soy inquieto.
- Estoy desasosegado.
- Soy intranquilo.

You're restless.

Eres nervioso.

We're restless.

- Somos inquietos.
- Estamos inquietos.

I was restless.

Yo era inquieto.

Tom is restless.

Tom está atarantado.

Tom looks restless.

Tom se ve impaciente.

The animals were restless.

Los animales están intranquilos.

The natives are restless.

Los nativos son impacientes.

These kids are always restless.

Estos niños no paran nunca.

Children are impatient and restless.

Los niños están impacientes e inquietos.

Tom was impatient and restless.

Tom estaba impaciente e inquieto.

The natives are getting restless.

Los nativos se están poniendo intranquilos.

The natives are restless today.

Los nativos están descontentos hoy.

She felt restless all day long.

Ella se sentía inquieta todo el día.

Tom has been restless all day.

Tom ha estado impaciente todo el día.

I've been feeling a little restless.

Me he estado sintiendo un poco agitado.

Children are often impatient and restless.

Los niños a menudo están impacientes e inquietos.

I suffer from restless leg syndrome.

Sufro del síndrome de piernas inquietas.

You've had a very restless night.

Tú has tenido una noche muy desasosegada.

They bore our restless thoughts and worries

Rompen inquietudes y preocupaciones,

- I'm a bit worried.
- I'm a bit restless.

Estoy un poco intranquilo.

I was going to be extremely restless and unhappy.

iba a estar completamente intranquila e infeliz.

Seriously, hire them because they are restless, curious people.

En serio, contrate a estas personas porque son gente inquieta, gente curiosa,

He began to get restless because of that noise.

Empezó a inquietarse con aquel ruido.

Never choose a new vocation just because you are restless.

Nunca elijas una nueva vocación sólo porque estás inquieto.

The horses are restless—perhaps we will have thunder tonight.

Los caballos están inquietos, quizás tengamos truenos esta noche.

She was restless because she did not have anything to do.

Ella estaba impaciente porque no tenía nada que hacer.

Because since I started to do research, I have become more restless.

Porque desde cuando empecé a investigar, empecé a ser más inquieta.

- Tom is getting frantic.
- Tom is getting restless.
- Tom is getting agitated.

Tom se está poniendo inquieto.

"I fell asleep?" "Totally." "Really?" "You were very restless, did you have a scary dream?"

"¿Me quedé dormido?" "Totalmente." "¿De Verdad?" "Estabas muy inquieto, ¿tuviste un sueño aterrador?"

On the morning of battle, the restless king rose early, and asked his poet Thormod to

En la mañana de la batalla, el inquieto rey se levantó temprano y le pidió a su poeta Thormod que le

I feel restless when I have to wait too long for my friend to show up.

Me siento inquieto cuando tengo que esperar demasiado tiempo para que mi amiga aparezca.

It was already late; my sister, however, had still not yet returned; and I grew slowly restless.

Ya era tarde; mi hermana, sin embargo, aún no había regresado; y yo comencé lentamente a inquietarme.

The air was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in restless haste, and moaning as they went.

El aire se llenó de fantasmas, vagabundeando de aquí para allá en una incesante prisa, y gimiendo a medida que se iban.

Both had had a restless night, the old man due to insomnia, and the young girl due to delicious dreams.

Ambos habían tenido una noche inquieta, el anciano debido al insomnio, y la joven chica debido a deliciosos sueños.