Translation of "Needing" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Needing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Expertise means not needing to be coached.

Ser un experto implica que uno no necesita ser guiado.

- I don't think I'll be needing anything else.
- I don't think that I'll be needing anything else.

No creo que vaya a necesitar nada más.

Tell Tom I won't be needing his help.

Dile a Tom que no voy a necesitar su ayuda.

Do you know anyone who lives without needing oxygen?

¿Conocéis alguna persona que viva sin necesitar el oxígeno?

- We need your help.
- We'll be needing your help.

Necesitamos tu ayuda.

Thirst is the feeling of needing to drink something.

Sed es la sensación de necesitar beber algo.

In which needing glasses to see but only having one eye

en el que el necesitar lentes para ver, pero el tener sólo un ojo

- You'll need this.
- You'll be needing this.
- You're going to need this.

Necesitarás esto.

The king shits, the pope shits. No one escapes from needing to shit.

Caga el rey y caga el papa, y de cagar nadie se escapa.

- If I can get a book from the library, it saves me the need to buy it in the bookshop.
- If I can get a book from the library, it saves me from having to buy it in the bookshop.
- If I can get a book from the library, it saves me from needing to buy it in the bookshop.

Si puedo conseguir un libro en la biblioteca, evito comprarlo en la librería.