Translation of "Leaped" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Leaped" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She leaped for joy.

Ella brincó de alegría.

Tom leaped into the car.

Tom saltó dentro del coche.

He leaped out of bed.

El saltó fuera de la cama.

Tom leaped to his feet.

Tom saltó a sus pies.

Their heart leaped with joy.

Su corazón saltó de alegría.

Tom leaped from his seat.

Tom saltó desde su asiento.

The dog leaped at a stranger.

El perro se movió bruscamente ante el extraño.

He leaped over the shallow ditch.

Él saltó por encima de la zanja poco profunda.

A fish leaped out of the water.

Un pez saltó fuera del agua.

- Tom jumped out of bed.
- Tom leaped out of bed.

- Tom saltó de la cama.
- Tom salió de un salto de la cama.

- Tom leaped from his seat.
- Tom leapt from his seat.

Tom saltó desde su asiento.

- She leaped from her chair.
- She leapt from her chair.

Ella saltó de su silla.

- Ken leaped over the wall.
- Ken leapt over the wall.

Ken saltó sobre la pared.

I leaped to my feet as if I had been struck by lightning.

Me levanté de un salto como si me hubiera alcanzado un rayo.

- Ken jumped over the wall.
- Ken leaped over the wall.
- Ken leapt over the wall.

Ken saltó por encima de la pared.