Translation of "Costing" in Spanish

0.114 sec.

Examples of using "Costing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

costing hundreds of millions of dollars each,

Cada uno cuesta millones de dólares.

The heating is costing me more and more.

La calefacción me costa cada vez más caro.

If it starts costing you more than that,

Si comienza a costarle más que eso,

Will end up costing more than 200 million euros,

acabará costando más de 200 millones de euros,

Was what this blind adherence to execution was costing me.

era la fidelidad ciega que me costaba dicha ejecución.

And again, they were only costing a couple of thousand dollars.

y solo con un costo de un par de miles de dólares.

It was costing them a few hundred dollars to acquire a customer.

Les costaba unos cuantos cientos de dólares adquirir un nuevo cliente.

"Dima..." Al-Sayib sighed. "How much is this phone call costing you? I bet you it's more than 99 kopeks, noob..."

—Dima... —suspiró Al-Sayib— ¿Cuánto te está costando esta llamada? Seguro que más de 99 kopeks, novato...