Translation of "Backward" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Backward" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He fell backward.

Él se cayó para atrás.

The dog walked backward.

El perro caminaba para atrás.

Tom took three steps backward.

Tom dio tres pasos atrás.

He looked backward over his shoulder.

Él miró hacia atrás sobre su hombro.

She is backward in expressing her opinion.

Ella se abstiene de expresar su opinión.

- The dog walked backward.
- The dog walked backwards.

El perro caminaba para atrás.

Are we a bit backward and we think stupidly?

¿estamos un poco atrasados ​​y pensamos estúpidamente?

Have the ability to think forward and backward in time.

tenemos la capacidad de pensar adelante y atrás en el tiempo.

If you look at it, there is a backward E,

Si lo ves, hay una E al revés,

But Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders, and going backward, covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they saw not their father's nakedness.

Entonces Sem y Jafet tomaron el manto, se lo echaran al hombro los dos, y andando hacia atrás, vueltas las caras, cubrieron la desnudez de su padre, sin verla.

For a long time, society was strongly hierarchical and unequal, primarily composed of peasants. The most backward, impoverished segment of the population, they were crushed by the weight of taxes, wars, and famines.

Por un largo tiempo, la sociedad fue fuertemente jerárquica y desigual, compuesta principalmente de campesinos. La población más retrasada y empobrecida era aplastada por el yugo de los impuestos, guerras y hambrunas.