Translation of "“it" in Spanish

0.028 sec.

Examples of using "“it" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

It dilutes it.

Lo diluye.

Touching it, feeling it, tasting it.

La tocaba, la sentía, la probaba.

- Take it!
- Take it.
- Grab it!


- Come off it!
- Leave it!
- Drop it!
- Come off it.


- Take it, or leave it.
- Take it or leave it.

Tómalo o déjalo.

- Forget it.
- Just leave it.
- Give it up.
- Leave it.


Test it, weight it, commit to it.

Pruébenlo. Presionen. Láncense.

Was it worth it?

¿Valió la pena?

- Forget it.
- Forget it!


- It stinks.
- It stinks!


- Take it!
- Take it.

- ¡Cógelo!
- Cógelo.

- Leave it!
- Leave it.


It isn't worth it!

¡No vale la pena!

It was worth it.

Valió la pena.

- It hurts.
- It hurts!


- Buy it!
- Buy it.


- Stop it!
- Stop it.

- Páralo.
- Detenlo.

- Drop it!
- Loosen it.


It sucks, but it is what it is.

Es un incordio, pero es lo que hay.

It doesn't make it any better, does it?

lo cual no es ningún atenuante, ¿verdad?

Don't touch it. Leave it as it is.

- No lo toques. Dejalo como está.
- No la toques. Déjala como está.

- It's not worth it.
- It isn't worth it.

- No merece la pena.
- No vale la pena.

- I tell it like it is.
- I'm telling it like it is.

Lo digo como es.

- How is it? Is it alright?
- How is it? Is it enough?

- ¿Qué tal? ¿Está bien?
- ¿Qué tal? ¿Es suficiente?



That it makes it slower.

que lo hace más lento.

It hurt, and it worked.

Dolió, pero funcionó.

When it rains, it pours.

Las maldades siempre llegan con compañía.

Is it really worth it?

¿De verdad vale la pena?

- It was raining.
- It rained.


It doesn't seem; it is.

No parece, es.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Aprovechalo mientras dure.

It is restful, isn't it?

Es tranquilo, ¿verdad?

It is how it is.

Es como tiene que ser.

Take it, or leave it.

Tómalo o déjalo.

It is what it is.

Es lo que es.

It smells weird, doesn't it?

¿No huele a algo extraño?

Swallow it. Don't chew it.

Tráguelo, no lo mastique.

- It snowed.
- It was snowing.

Estaba nevando.

- This is it.
- That's it.

- Hemos llegado.
- Este es el fin.
- Esto es todo.
- Éste es.

Use it or lose it.

O la usas o la pierdes.

- Leave it alone!
- Leave it!


Sign it after reading it.

Fírmalo después de leerlo.

Sign it before sending it.

Fírmalo antes de enviarlo.

It says it wasn't there.

Dice que no estaba allí.

Whoever has it, bring it.

Cualquiera que lo tenga, que lo traiga.

It is like it is.

Es lo que hay.

It keeps it really simple.

Mantiene las cosas simples.

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Consider it.


- Is it bad?
- Is it serious?
- Is it important?

¿Es grave?

- You deserved it.
- You've earned it.
- You earned it.

Te lo merecías.

- You made it!
- You've done it.
- You made it.

- Lo has hecho.
- Lo has conseguido.
- Lo habéis logrado.
- Lo han conseguido ustedes.

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.

- Era fabuloso.
- Estaba fabuloso.

It was exposing it for what it really was.

La exponía tal como era.

Like it, share it, tell other people about it,

me gusta, compartirlo, contar otras personas al respecto,

- Isn't it obvious Tom did it?
- Isn't it obvious that Tom did it?

- ¿No es obvio que Tom lo hizo?
- ¿Acaso no es obvio que lo hizo Tom?

- It seems that it will rain.
- It seems as if it will rain.

Parece como si fuera a llover.

- Like it?
- Are you enjoying it?
- You like it?
- Do you like it?

¿Te gusta?

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
- Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

No lo arregles si no está roto.

It is lame, it is lousy, and it is selfish, and it still works."

Es patético, torpe y egoísta, pero aun así funciona".

- It has suddenly got cold, hasn't it?
- It has suddenly gotten cold, hasn't it?

¡Qué frío hace de pronto!

- Do it yourself.
- Do it by yourself.
- Do it yourself!
- Do it by yourselves.

Hazlo tú mismo.

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

No lo arregles si no está roto.

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Think about it!

- Piénsatelo.
- Piénsalo.

- Was that really worth it?
- Was it really worth it?

¿Realmente valió la pena?

- Is it good?
- Does it taste good?
- Is it tasty?

¿Está bueno?

So it hurts to delete it but it doesn't matter,

Así que duele borrarlo pero no importa,

People promote it, if they like it they'll buy it,

la gente lo promueve, si así lo comprarán,

- That's the way it is.
- That's how it is.
- This is how it is.
- It is how it is.

Así es.

And it makes sense, doesn't it?

Y tiene sentido, ¿verdad?

And it emerges, it comes out;

y emerge, queda a la vista.

Let it fade, let it fade

Deja que se vaya, deja que se vaya

It sounds simple, it sounds true,

Suena sencillo, suena cierto,

Shake it, and you break it.

Sacúdelo, y se romperá.

It is this moment, isn't it?

Ha llegado el momento, ¿no?

And how was it doing it?

¿De qué modo lo decía?