Translation of "Their  " in Russian

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Their  " in a sentence and their russian translations:

Their health, their careers,

здоровье, карьеру

Their hopes, their futures.

надеждах и будущем.

Their values and their concerns.

их ценностях и переживаниях.

Their links, getting their rankings.

их ссылки, получая их рейтинг.

- That's their problem.
- This is their problem.
- It's their problem.

Это их проблема.

Take their computer, their cell phones

включают компьютер, мобильный телефон

Their talks centered on their trip.

Их разговоры вращались вокруг поездки.

- That's their business.
- It's their business.

Это их дело.

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their aim.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.
- They reached their destination.

Они достигли своей цели.

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their aim.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Они достигли своей цели.

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Они достигли своей цели.

- It's not their fault.
- That's not their fault.
- It isn't their fault.
- That isn't their fault.

Это не их вина.

Their hero:

Их герой —

When their minds interact with their environments.

когда их умы взаимодействуют с их окружением.

They keep their lice on their backs

они держат вшей на спине

They shed their blood for their independence.

Они пролили свою кровь за независимость.

Inspect their genitals to confirm their sex.

проверить гениталии для подтверждения пола.

- I'm their lawyer.
- I am their lawyer.

Я их адвокат.

Many artists put their feelings into their art.

Многие выражают свои чувства через искусство.

Unless their spouse approves, their decisions are invalid

Если их супруг не одобряет, их решения являются недействительными

Armour and their shields, down on their ships.

свое тяжелое оборудование, особенно броню и щиты.

Visit their website to see their online catalogue.

Посетите их веб-сайт, чтобы увидеть их онлайн-каталог.

- Their car overtook ours.
- Their car passed ours.

Их автомобиль обогнал наш.

- They attained their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Они достигли своей цели.

- They love their kids.
- They love their children.

Они любят своих детей.

- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.

Они достигли своей цели.

Children imitate their peers rather than their parents.

В имитации дети предпочитают родителям своих сверстников.

- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Они достигли своей цели.

The men drew their swords from their scabbards.

- Мужчины вытащили свои мечи из ножен.
- Мужчины достали мечи из ножен.

- That was their choice.
- It was their choice.

Это был их выбор.

- That's not their fault.
- That isn't their fault.

Это не их вина.

Children imitate their friends rather than their parents.

Дети подражают друзьям, а не родителям.

- They loved their grandchildren.
- They loved their grandkids.

- Они обожали внуков.
- Они обожали своих внуков.

- It's not their fault.
- It isn't their fault.

Это не их вина.

- They've washed their hands.
- They washed their hands.

Они помыли руки.

Will they accomplish their goals or their mission?

Будут ли они выполнять свои целей или их миссии?

But they'll tell others, their friends, their family

но они расскажут другим, их друзья, их семья

- Tom and Mary kept their relationship hidden from their parents.
- Tom and Mary hid their relationship from their parents.

Том и Мэри скрывали свои отношения от родителей.

Hug their soul,

Порадуйте их.

Repaid their loans

выплатили кредиты

Their suicide attempts,

о попытках самоубийства,

Onto their children...

на своим детям ...

Their farms adjoin.

Их фермы примыкают друг к другу.

It's their dog?

Это их собака?

Their lips met.

Их губы встретились.

Their eyes met.

- Их глаза встретились.
- Их взгляды встретились.

It's their duty.

Это их долг.

Their swords clashed.

- Их шпаги скрестились.
- Их мечи скрестились.

It's their future.

Это их будущее.

It's their fault.

Это их вина.

Who's their mother?

Кто их мать?

It's their problem.

Это их проблема.

What's their plan?

- Что у них за план?
- Каков их план?

It's their anniversary.

Это их годовщина.

It's their choice.

Это их выбор.

It's their job.

Это их работа.

It's their right.

- Это их право.
- Их право.

That's their strategy.

- Это их стратегия.
- Такова их стратегия.

What's their purpose?

- Какова их цель?
- Какая у них цель?

Their enemy attacks.

Их атакует враг.

That's their plan.

Таков их план.

What's their answer?

Каков их ответ?

Their canoe capsized.

- Их каноэ опрокинулось.
- Их байдарка опрокинулась.

It's their decision.

Это их решение.

Here's their address.

Вот их адрес.

It's their turn.

Сейчас их очередь.

To their problem.

к их проблеме.

- Their pain points.

- Их болевые точки.

From their website.

с их сайта.

Their traffic ranges.

их диапазонах движения.

Especially their 200 gods and their divine Earth Mother.

особенно с их 200 богами и божественной Землей-матерью.

Do not disclose their orientation to their medical providers.

не разглашают свою ориентацию даже врачам.

And call out their plays through their meal slots --

и как они выкрикивают свои ходы в окно для подачи еды.

The secret to their success is their slothful nature.

Секрет их успеха — их ленивый характер.

It challenges their perspective, and it changes their attitudes.

это помогает им пересмотреть взгляды и изменить отношение к вещам.

Finally, their friendship ended and their close relationship disappeared.

В конце концов их дружба закончилась, и их близкие отношения оборвались.

- They have announced their engagement.
- They've announced their engagement.

Они объявили об их помолвке.

- Their names escaped me.
- I couldn't remember their names.

Я не мог вспомнить их имён.

- Their wedding will be tomorrow.
- Their wedding is tomorrow.

Их свадьба завтра.

- He declined their invitation.
- He turned down their invitation.

Он отклонил их приглашение.

- They will do their utmost.
- They'll do their utmost.

Они сделают всё, что могут.

- They are eating their apples.
- They're eating their apples.

Они едят свои яблоки.

- They are reading their newspapers.
- They're reading their newspapers.

Они читают их газеты.

They raised their glasses and toasted to their success.

Они подняли бокалы и выпили за успех.