Translation of "Shuddered" in Russian

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Shuddered" in a sentence and their russian translations:

He shuddered.

Он содрогнулся.

- Tom shuddered.
- Tom shivered.

Том вздрогнул.

He shuddered at the sight of blood.

От вида крови его пробрал озноб.

- Tom shuddered.
- Tom shivered.
- Tom was shaking.

Том дрожал.

She shuddered at the thought of the accident.

Она вздрогнула при мысли о происшествии.

He shuddered with horror at the grisly sight.

Он содрогнулся в ужасе от гнусного зрелища.

- She was shivering with cold.
- She shuddered with cold.

Она дрожала от холода.

My wife shuddered at the sight of a one-eyed cat.

Моя жена вздрогнула, увидев одноглазого кота.

Sorry, "my hands shuddered with the cold" was a bit over the top.

Извините, "мои руки трясутся от холода" было некоторым преувеличением.