Translation of "It was" in Portuguese

0.067 sec.

Examples of using "It was" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.

- Isso foi fabuloso.
- Isso estava fabuloso.

- It was perfect!
- It was perfect.

- Estava perfeito.
- Era perfeito.
- Foi perfeito.

- It was horrible!
- It was horrible.

Foi horrível!

- It was mesmerizing.
- It was fascinating.

Foi fascinante.

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.

- Foi horrível!
- Foi horrível.

- It was easy.
- It was simple.

Foi fácil.

- It was gross.
- It was disgusting.

- Isso foi nojento.
- Foi nojento.

- It was inevitable.
- It was unavoidable.

Não deu para evitar.

- It was freezing!
- It was freezing.

Estava congelando.

- It was convincing.
- It was persuasive.

Foi convincente.

- It was nice.
- It was cool.

Foi legal.

- It was magic.
- It was magical.

Foi mágico.

- It was the truth.
- It was true.

Era verdade.

- It was simple.
- It was that simple.

Foi fácil.

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.
- It was horrible.
- That was terrible.

Foi horrível!

- It was quite funny.
- It was rather funny.
- It was fairly funny.

Foi muito divertido.

- It was really windy.
- It was very windy.

Ventava muito.

- It was too hard.
- It was too difficult.

- Isso foi muito difícil.
- Isso foi difícil demais.

- It was very fun.
- It was very funny.

Foi muito engraçado.

- It was very funny.
- It was really funny.

Foi muito engraçado.

- It was really good.
- It was pretty good.

Foi muito bom.

- It was really good.
- It was very good.

Estava muito bom.

- It was pretty obvious.
- It was very obvious.

Era bastante óbvio.

- It was a mess.
- It was pure chaos.

Era um verdadeiro caos.

- It was a thrill.
- It was very exciting.

Foi muito emocionante.

- It was her idea.
- It was his idea.

A ideia foi sua.

- I thought it was Tom, but it was John.
- I thought that it was Tom, but it was John.

- Eu pensei que fosse o Tom, mas era o John.
- Eu pensei que era o Tom, mas era o John.
- Pensei que era o Tom, mas era o John.
- Pensei que fosse o Tom, mas era o John.

It was quiet

foi silencioso

It was shocking!

Foi chocante!

It was raining.

Estava chovendo.

It was nothing.

- De nada.
- Não foi nada.

It was snowing.

- Nevava.
- Nevou.
- Estava nevando.

It was midnight.

Era meia-noite.

It was Christmas.

Era o Natal.

It was night.

Era noite.

It was dawning.

Estava amanhecendo.

It was excruciating.

- Foi excruciante.
- Isso foi excruciante.
- Foi doloroso.

It was hilarious!

Foi hilário!

It was consensual.

Foi um consenso.

It was irresistible.

Era irresistível.

It was useless.

Foi inútil.

It was sweet.

- Estava doce.
- Tava doce.

It was dead.

ele morreu.

It was perfect.

Era perfeito.

It was cool.

Foi legal.

It was cold.

Estava frio.

It was interesting.

- Isso foi interessante.
- Foi interessante.

It was fun.

Foi divertido.

It was boring.

Foi chato.

It was spooky.

Foi assustador.

It was crowded.

- Estava lotado.
- Estava lotada.

It was correct.

- Estava correto.
- Estava correta.

It was chaotic.

- Estava um caos.
- Foi um caos.

It was extraordinary.

Foi extraordinário.

It was mandatory.

- Era obrigatória.
- Era obrigatório.

It was painless.

Foi indolor.

It was attractive.

Era atraente.

It was incomplete.

Estava incompleto.

It was disappointing.

Foi decepcionante.

It was drizzling.

Caía uma chuva fina.

It was shocking.

Foi chocante.

It was urgent.

Era urgente.

It was Tom.

Era o Tom.

It was inconvenient.

Foi inconveniente.

It was delicious.

Estava delicioso.

It was locked.

Foi trancado.

It was amazing.

- Foi fantástico.
- Foi incrível.

It was awesome.

Foi incrível.

It was broken.

- Estava quebrado.
- Estava quebrada.
- Quebrou-se.

It was dark.

Estava escuro.

It was destroyed.

Foi destruído.

It was difficult.

Foi difícil.

It was empty.

Estava vazio.

It was fair.

Aquilo foi justo.

It was funny.

Foi engraçado.

It was gross.

Foi nojento.

It was here.

Estava aqui.

It was hilarious.

Foi hilário!

It was important.

Era importante.

It was impossible.

Era impossível.

It was lovely.

- Era adorável.
- Foi adorável.

It was magic.

Foi mágico.

It was magical.

Foi mágico.

It was mine.

Era meu.

It was nice.

Foi legal.

It was OK.

Foi bonzinho.

It was romantic.

Foi romântico.

It was sad.

Foi triste.

It was simple.

- Era simples.
- Foi simples.

It was terrifying.

Foi assustador.

It was thrilling.

Foi emocionante.

It was tragic.

Foi trágico.