Translation of "Convincing  " in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Convincing  " in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I was convincing.

Eu fui convincente.

Good luck convincing her.

Boa sorte para a convenceres.

Convincing Tom was difficult.

Convencer Tom foi difícil.

That's a very convincing argument.

Esse é um argumento muito convincente.

Tom didn't need any convincing.

Tom não precisou de nenhum convencimento.

That wasn't very convincing, was it?

Isso não foi muito convincente, foi?

- It was convincing.
- It was persuasive.

Foi convincente.

- Tom was very persuasive.
- Tom was very convincing.

Tom foi bem persuasivo.

You should be emailing them and convincing them,

você deveria estar enviando um e-mail para elas e as convencendo

Convincing Tom to do the right thing was hard.

Foi difícil convencer Tom a fazer a coisa certa.

Despite the fact they set their heart on convincing him, he maintained his opposition to the project.

Apesar do empenho que puseram em convencê-lo, manteve a sua oposição ao projeto.