Translation of "That  " in Polish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "That  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Stop that!
- Stop that.


The mindset that denies that,

postawa, która temu przeczy,

- What's that?
- What is that?

Co to?

That... is all that remains of that trolley system.

To wszystko, co zostało... po tym wózku.

- Give me that.
- Give that to me.
- Give me that!

Daj mi to.

That anything that happened in Uruguay,

Gdyby doszło do czegokolwiek w Urugwaju,

- Close that door.
- Close that door!

Zamknij drzwi!

- Stop doing that.
- Stop doing that!

Nie rób już tego!

- That won't work.
- That won't work!

To nie zadziała.

That is all that he said.

Oto wszystko co on powiedział.

- I remember that.
- I remember that!

Pamiętam to.

- That was funny.
- That was hilarious.

To było zabawne.

- Close that door.
- Shut that door.

Zamknij te drzwi!

- I've got that.
- I understood that.

Zrozumiałem to.

- Everyone's doing that.
- Everybody's doing that.

Wszyscy to robią.

- Is that so?
- Is that right?


I don't do that that way.

Nie robię tego w ten sposób.

- Everyone knew that.
- Everybody knew that.

Wszyscy to wiedzieli.

- That was fast.
- That was quick.

To było szybkie.

- That was unnecessary.
- That wasn't necessary.

To było niepotrzebne.

- That smells good.
- That smells nice.

Pachnie dobrze.

- That was the first time I tried doing that.
- That was the first time I tried to do that.
- That was the first time that I tried doing that.

To był pierwszy raz kiedy spróbowałem to zrobić.

But that means recognizing that technology that tracks who we are,

To oznacza uznanie technologii śledzącej naszą tożsamość,

- I thought you'd ask that.
- I thought that you'd ask that.

Myślałem, że o to spytasz.

- I thought you knew that.
- I thought that you knew that.

- Myślałem, że o tym wiesz.
- Myślałam, że o tym wiesz.
- Myślałem, że o tym wiecie.
- Myślałam, że o tym wiecie.

- I thought that would work.
- I thought that that would work.

Myślałem, że to zadziała.

- I doubt anyone said that.
- I doubt that anyone said that.

Wątpię, żeby ktokolwiek to powiedział.

- Let's hope that doesn't happen.
- Let's hope that that doesn't happen.

Miejmy nadzieję, że tak się nie stanie.

See that?


Grab that.

- Weź to.
- Weź tamto.

That works.

To działa.

That worked.

To zadziałało.

That helped.

To pomogło.

That hurts.

To boli.

Who's that?

Kto to?

What's that?

- Co to?
- Cóż to takiego?

Check that.

Niech pan to sprawdzi!

That we can see in that galaxy.

które można w niej zobaczyć.

We have telescopes that are that powerful.

ponieważ mamy tak potężne teleskopy.

So, that is… that is my story.

Oto moja historia.

Have that picture of that great trip.

Zobrazuj idealną wyprawę

So entering that environment triggers that behavior.

w taki sposób, że wejście w to otoczenie prowokuje zachowanie.

At that time we had documents that...

Fałszywe papiery w tamtych czasach...

- What's that building?
- What is that building?

Co to za budynek?

- What is that noise?
- What's that noise?

Co to za dźwięk?

- Who is that boy?
- Who's that boy?

Kim jest tamten chłopak?

- What is that?
- What is that thing?

Cóż to takiego?

- Tom loves that.
- Tom likes that one.

- Tomowi podoba się ten.
- Tomowi podoba się ta.
- Tomowi podoba się to.

- Look at that.
- Look at that one.

Spójrz na tamten.

- Who's that guy?
- Who is that guy?

Kim jest ten facet?

- I'll check that.
- I'll look into that.

Sprawdzę to.

A shame that you don't know that.

- To wstyd, że tego nie wiesz.
- Przykro, że tego nie wiesz.

That is the picture that he painted.

To obraz, który namalował.

- Nobody thinks that.
- No one thinks that.

- Nikt tak nie myśli.
- Nikt tak nie uważa.

- Is that her umbrella?
- Is that his umbrella?
- Is that your umbrella?

Czy to jej parasolka?

- I do that sometimes.
- I sometimes do that.
- Sometimes I do that.

Czasami to robie.

- Tom said he would do that again.
- Tom said he'd do that again.
- Tom said that he'd do that again.
- Tom said that he would do that again.

Tom powiedział, że znów to zrobi.

- Everybody knows Tom did it.
- Everybody knows that Tom did it.
- Everyone knows that Tom did that.
- Everybody knows that Tom did that.

Każdy wie, że Tom to zrobił.

- I thought you didn't know that.
- I thought that you didn't know that.

Myślałem, że o tym nie wiedziałeś.

- You know I can't do that.
- You know that I can't do that.

Wiesz, że nie mogę tego zrobić.

- You know I didn't mean that.
- You know that I didn't mean that.

Wiesz, że nie to miałem na myśli.

- I don't think it's that bad.
- I don't think that it's that bad.

Nie sądzę, że to źle.

- I don't think that was Tom.
- I don't think that that was Tom.

Nie sądzę, żeby to był Tom.

- I hope that doesn't happen again.
- I hope that that doesn't happen again.

Mam nadzieję, że to nie zdarzy się jeszcze raz.

- That won't happen.
- That isn't going to happen.
- That ain't going to happen.

To się nie zdarzy.

- I didn't know you did that.
- I didn't know that you did that.

Nie wiedziałem, że to zrobiłeś.

- I can't believe Tom did that.
- I can't believe that Tom did that.

Nie mogę uwierzyć, że Tom to zrobił.

- I think Tom still believes that.
- I think that Tom still believes that.

Myślę, że Tom ciągle w to wierzy.

- I did that already.
- I've done that already.
- I have done that already.

Już to zrobiłem.

- I know you'll all love that.
- I know that you'll all love that.

Wiem, że wszyscy to pokochacie.

- You promised you wouldn't do that.
- You promised that you wouldn't do that.

Obiecałaś że tego nie zrobisz.

- I hope Tom won't do that.
- I hope that Tom won't do that.

Mam nadzieję, że Tom tego nie zrobi.

- I'm not sure that Tom did that.
- I'm not sure Tom did that.

Nie jestem pewien, czy Tom to zrobił.

- I thought that was the case.
- I thought that that was the case.

Myślałem, że tak właśnie było.

- I think I could do that.
- I think that I could do that.

Myślę, że mógłbym to zrobić.

- I think that that book is not so interesting.
- I think that book isn't so interesting.
- I think that that book isn't so interesting.

Moim zdaniem ta książka nie jest zbyt ciekawa.

That whenever I bleed, I think about that:

Gdy leci mi krew, myślę o tym,

That Wiretappers' Ball that started in northern Virginia?

Pamiętacie bal speców od podsłuchu z północnej Wirginii?

Look, actually, teeth marks in that! See that?

Spójrzcie, ślady zębów! Widzicie?

That basically means that all your dating history

Oznacza to, że twoja historia randek

That meant that militancy continued, the commitment continued.

Chciał przez to powiedzieć, że walka trwa, służba krajowi się nie skończyła.

- Anyone can do that.
- Anybody can do that.

Każdy może to zrobić.

- That can't be true.
- That cannot be true.

To nie może być prawda.

- Whose notebook is that?
- Whose is that notebook?

Czyj to zeszyt?

It appears that I was wrong about that.

Okazało się, że nie miałem racji.

- That should please everyone.
- Everyone should like that.

To się powinno spodobać każdemu.

- We can't do that.
- We cannot do that.

Nie możemy tego zrobić.

I can't believe that you like that restaurant.

Nie mieści mi się w głowie, że spodobała ci się ta restauracja.

- Didn't you hear that?
- Do you hear that?

Słyszysz to?

It was you that suggested seeing that movie.

Ty zaproponowałeś, aby obejrzeć ten film.

- That can't be denied.
- That cannot be denied.

Nie można tego zaprzeczyć.

- I hate that color.
- I hate that colour.

Nienawidzę tego koloru.