Translation of "Out here" in Japanese

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Out here" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Help me out here.


The cartilage has slipped out here.


Tom used to hang out here.


You burn so many calories out here.


You burn so many calories out here.


Can I hang out here till seven?


- What happened here?
- What happened out here?


Oh, look, Dana's tracks have run out here.


And out here you got to be strong.


So will every other living creature out here.


You decide, but hurry, it's hot out here.

君が決めてくれ 暑いから急げ

And out here, if that's feline, that probably means jaguars.

もしこれがネコ科なら ジャガーだろう

But out here, among the living, I felt like an impostor,

でも退院して 健康な人の中にいると 自分が偽物のような気がして

And you're stranded out here... you're in a whole world of trouble.

立往生してる 大問題だぞ

But it's not uncommon to find this sort of thing out here.

でもこの辺りで 見るのは珍しい

But it's not uncommon to find this sort of thing out here.

でもこの辺りで 見るのは珍しい

But it's not uncommon to find this sort of thing out here.

でもこの辺りで 見るのは珍しい

Or stay out here and try and head down, reach the forest?

ここはやめて先に進み 森へ行く?

It's hot out here, and I'm thirsty. We need to find water.

暑いからのどが渇いた 水が必要だぞ

And as a survivor, if I can't use my hands out here,

ここで手が 使えなくなってしまうと

But it's at least 20 degrees hotter out here than inside that cave.

でも ほら穴の中にいるより 6度くらい暑くなる

So what I mean to tell you, I flew out here to say

何を言いたいかというと ここまで来てお伝えしたかったのは

Water out here is life. There is one trick that can help you,

水が命綱だ 1つ裏技がある

[Bear] But it's at least 20 degrees hotter out here than inside that cave.

でもほら穴の中にいるより 6度くらい暑くなる

I'm going to lay it out here, launch it and just run straight off the cliff

ここに敷いて放って― がけを走って下りる

It's already getting hotter, and we're not gonna be able to survive out here much longer.

もうすでに暑い あまり長くはいられないぞ

It's already getting hotter and we're not gonna be able to survive out here much longer.

もうすでに暑い あまり長くはいられないぞ

- I want to know what's going on here.
- I want to know what's going on out here.


And we're not gonna be able to survive out here much longer. We've got to hurry and try to catch more critters.

あまり長くはいられないぞ 急いで他の生物をとらえよう

And if you get bit by a rattlesnake out here, and you can't get help, you can be in a whole world of trouble.

ここでヘビにかまれたら 助けは呼べない 最悪の事態になる

- Is that to eat here or take out?
- Here or to go?
- Is this to eat here, or to go?
- For here, or to go?

- 持ち帰りですか。それともここでたべますか。
- こちらで召し上がりますか、それともお持ち帰りにしますか。

- What ever are you doing here?
- How come you are here?
- What are you doing here?
- What're you doing here?
- What are you doing in here?
- What're you doing in here?
- What're you doing out here?
- What're you doing up here?
- What are you doing down here?
