Translation of "Schießer" in Italian

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Schießer" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Heinz Schießer passed the

Heinz Schießer ha trasmesso a suo figlio il suo

130 peoples work for Heinz Schießer.

130 persone lavorano per Heinz Schießer.

Heinz Schießer works without protective clothing.

Heinz Schießer lavora senza indumenti protettivi.

That's why they asked Heinz Schießer for help. But in vain.

Ecco perché hanno chiesto aiuto a Heinz Schießer. Ma invano.

Marek Schießer is training to be a beekeeper with his father.

Marek Schießer si sta allenando per diventare apicoltore con suo padre.