Translation of "نتخيّل" in English

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Examples of using "نتخيّل" in a sentence and their english translations:

تُعرّفنا على أشخاص لم نكن نتخيّل لقاءهم،

introduced us to people we never thought we'd meet

لنحاول فقط أن نتخيّل أو بإمكاني أن أشارككم به شفوياً

Let's just try to imagine or I can share it with you orally

لأنّنا لم نكن محقّين دائماً. لم نتخيّل قط بأنّ "بيبي" قد يصبح رئيساً.

Because we haven't been always right. We never imagined that Pepe could become president.