Translation of "لحظاته" in English

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Examples of using "لحظاته" in a sentence and their english translations:

في أصعب لحظاته، في أسوأ لحظاته، في أفضل لحظاته،

He never gave up this dream whether he was in his most difficult moment,

سأخذكم إلى أسعد لحظاته.

I'd like to show you his happiest moment.

أسعد لحظاته، في كتاب البروفيسور سعدي ارماك،

His happiest moment, Professor ordinarius Dr. Sadi Irmak

يُرينا ما حدث للكون بعد أُولى لحظاته.

shows us what happened to the universe after its earliest moments.

لا يتراجع عن أحلامه ومبادئه في أسوأ لحظاته ولا في أحسنها.

In his worst moment, in his best moment, he does not abandon his dream and beliefs.