Translation of "Repleto" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Repleto" in a sentence and their english translations:

El bus estaba totalmente repleto.

- The bus was completely full.
- The bus was totally full.

Está repleto de gente allá adentro.

It's completely crowded in there.

El tren estaba repleto de pasajeros.

The train was full of passengers.

Su libro está repleto de utopías.

His book is full of utopias.

Este ensayo está repleto de errores.

This essay is full of mistakes.

El dormitorio estaba repleto de adornos preciosos.

The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

Este libro esta repleto de chistes sucios.

This book is full of dirty jokes.

Imaginen un paisaje repleto de pinos y helechos.

So imagine a landscape filled with all pine trees and ferns.

El estadio estaba repleto de fans de beisbol.

The stadium was flooded with baseball fans.

Mi jardín está repleto de dulces capullos en flor.

My garden is filled with sweet-smelling blooms.

... es fácil de instalar y usar, y está repleto de funciones.

it’s easy to install and use, and packed with features.

El ómnibus estaba repleto de gente. Ojalá hubiera tomado un taxi.

The bus was very crowded. I wish I had taken a taxi.

El montañismo está repleto de términos, que nunca precisan traducción, porque todo montañista los adopta.

Mountaineering is chock-a-block with terms that never need translating, because every mountaineer adopts them.

El único que disfruta de un vagón de metro repleto de gente es un carterista.

The only one who enjoys a crowded subway car is a pickpocket.

Somos la primera nación que se muere de hambre en un almacén que está repleto de todo lo que queramos.

We are the first nation to starve to death in a storehouse that's overfilled with everything we want.