Translation of "Frotó" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Frotó" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ella se frotó sus ojos.

She rubbed her eyes.

Él se frotó las manos.

He rubbed his hands together.

Tom se frotó la cara.

Tom rubbed his face.

Mary se frotó la barbilla.

Mary rubbed her chin.

- Ella se frotó sus ojos.
- Ella se frotó los ojos.
- Ella se talló los ojos.

She rubbed her eyes.

Ella se frotó la cara con un pañuelo.

She wiped her face with a handkerchief.

Tom se quitó los lentes y se frotó los ojos.

Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

Tom se quitó los lentes y se frotó la frente.

Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead.

- Mi gato frotó su cabeza contra mi hombro.
- Mi gata restregó la cabeza contra mi hombro.
- Mi gata restregó su cabeza contra mi hombro.

My cat rubbed her head against my shoulder.