Translation of "Quitó" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Quitó" in a sentence and their english translations:

Se lo quitó.

She took it off.

Nos lo quitó.

He took it from us.

- Él se quitó su sombrero.
- Él se quitó el sombrero.

He took off his hat.

- Tom se quitó su camisa.
- Tom se quitó la camisa.

- Tom took his shirt off.
- Tom took off his shirt.
- Tom pulled off his shirt.
- Tom removed his shirt.

- Mary se quitó los aretes.
- Mary se quitó los pendientes.

- Mary took off her earrings.
- Mary took her earrings off.

- Él se quitó el abrigo.
- Él se quitó su abrigo.

- He took off his coat.
- He took his coat off.
- He was taking off his coat.

Se quitó la resaca durmiendo.

She slept off her hangover.

Él se quitó el sombrero.

He took off his hat.

Él se quitó el abrigo.

He took off his coat.

Ella se quitó el abrigo.

She took off her coat.

Tom se quitó su camisa.

- Tom took his shirt off.
- Tom took off his shirt.

Mary se quitó la ropa.

Mary stripped off her clothes.

Él se quitó la camisa.

He removed his shirt.

Tom se quitó la vida.

Tom took his own life.

Tom se quitó el gorro.

Tom took off his cap.

Mary se quitó la pulsera.

Mary took off her bracelet.

Tom se quitó las gafas.

- Tom took off his glasses.
- Tom removed his glasses.

Él se quitó su abrigo.

He took off his overcoat.

Tomás se quitó las medias.

Tom removed his socks.

Tomás se quitó los auriculares.

- Tom took off his headphones.
- Tom took his headphones off.

Tomás se quitó la chaqueta.

- Tom took his jacket off.
- Tom took off his jacket.
- Tom removed his jacket.

Tom se quitó los calcetines.

- Tom removed his socks.
- Tom took off his socks.
- Tom took his socks off.

Mary se quitó el vestido.

Mary took off her dress.

Él se quitó la chamarra.

He took off his overcoat.

Tom se quitó el sombrero.

- Tom took off his hat.
- Tom took his hat off.

Mary se quitó el disfraz.

Mary removed her disguise.

Ella se quitó los zapatos.

She took her shoes off.

Tom se quitó el abrigo.

- Tom took off his coat.
- Tom removed his coat.
- Tom took off his overcoat.

- Tras eso, se quitó las gafas.
- Después de eso, se quitó las gafas.

He took off his glasses after that.

Ella quitó los documentos del escritorio.

She removed the papers from the desk.

Se lo quitó a la fuerza.

He took it from her by force.

Le quitó el periódico a George.

He took the newspaper away from George.

El rey se quitó sus ropas.

The king took his clothes off.

Tomás quitó el dedo del gatillo.

Tom took his finger off the trigger.

Tom no se quitó su reloj.

Tom didn't take off his watch.

Tom le quitó la llave al cajón.

Tom unlocked the drawer.

Tom se quitó su anillo de bodas.

- Tom took off his wedding ring.
- Tom took his wedding ring off.

Se me quitó un peso de encima.

A weight was taken off my shoulders.

Se quitó el sombrero cuando me vio.

- He raised his hat when he saw me.
- He doffed his hat when he saw me.

Tom se quitó sus gafas de seguridad.

Tom took off his protective glasses.

Tom le quitó el cuchillo a Mary.

Tom took the knife away from Mary.

Tom quitó la tapa de la caja.

Tom removed the lid from the box.

Yanni quitó la cadena de la puerta.

Yanni took the chain off the door.

Por seis semanas, Google quitó la verificación telefónica

Six weeks, Google shut off phone verifications for new businesses.

Y aún así, se quitó la suya propia.

and yet, he decided to take his own.

También se quitó el Apple-3 desde atrás

He also took off the Apple-3 from behind

Y no importa si alguien se lo quitó

And it doesn't matter if someone took it off

Él le quitó el chocolate a su hermana.

He grabbed the chocolate away from his sister.

Él se quitó el abrigo porque hacía calor.

He took the coat off because it was warm.

El policía le quitó el cuchillo al niño.

The policeman took the knife from the boy.

- Tom se quitó la vida.
- Tom se suicidó.

- Tom took his own life.
- Tom killed himself.
- Tom committed suicide.
- Tom has committed suicide.

El policía le quitó las esposas a Tom.

The police officer removed Tom's handcuffs.

Tom quitó el polvo de la lámpara vieja.

Tom dusted off the old lamp.

- Se quitó las medias mojadas.
- Se sacó las medias mojadas.
- Se quitó los calcetines mojados.
- Se sacó los calcetines mojados.

She removed her wet socks.

El cirujano le quitó el apéndice a su paciente.

The surgeon took out his patient's appendix.

Ella se quitó su anillo y se lo arrojó.

She took her ring off and threw it at him.

El accidente le quitó todas las esperanzas de éxito.

The accident destroyed all his hopes for success.

- Me quité la remera.
- Él se quitó la remera.

He removed his shirt.

Fue la llave que me quitó toda esa agonía

He was the key to end all the agony

Tom quitó el anzuelo de la boca del pescado.

Tom took the hook out of the fish's mouth.

Se quitó el casco para que sus soldados pudieran reconocerlo.

He took off his helmet so that his soldiers could recognize him.

Tom se quitó la ropa y se puso el pijama.

- Tom took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.
- Tom took his clothes off and put his pajamas on.
- Tom took his clothes off and put on his pajamas.

- Él se quitó las gafas.
- Él se sacó los anteojos.

- He took off his glasses.
- She took her glasses off.

Tom le quitó la llave a la puerta del frente.

Tom unlocked the front door.

Tom le quitó la llave a la puerta del auto.

Tom unlocked the car door.

- Tom se sacó los zapatos.
- Tom se quitó los zapatos.

Tom took off his shoes.

Tom se quitó los lentes y se frotó los ojos.

Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

Tom se quitó los lentes y se frotó la frente.

Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead.

Tom se quitó el casco y se refregó la frente.

Tom took off his helmet and wiped off his forehead.

Tom se quitó su chaqueta de cuero y se sentó.

Tom took off his leather jacket and sat down.

Tom se quitó los calcetines y los arrojó al piso.

Tom took off his socks and threw them on the floor.