Translation of "Convencer" in English

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Examples of using "Convencer" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Es difícil convencer a Jack.
- Jack es difícil de convencer.

It is hard to convince Jack.

Pero primero hay que convencer

But people first have to be convinced

Es difícil convencer a Jack.

It is hard to convince Jack.

Jack es difícil de convencer.

It is hard to convince Jack.

¿A quién estás intentando convencer?

Who are you trying to convince?

Es difícil convencer a John.

It is hard to convince John.

¿Cómo lograste convencer a Tom?

How did you manage to convince Tom?

Tom no pudo convencer a María.

Tom couldn't convince Mary.

Más sencillo convencer a los gerifaltes

easier to convince the bigwigs

Necesitamos convencer a Tom de que venga.

We need to convince Tom to come.

¿Te puedo convencer quedarte unos días más?

Can I persuade you to stay a few more days?

- No estoy seguro de que pueda convencer a Tom.
- No estoy seguro de poder convencer a Tom.

- I'm not sure I can convince Tom.
- I'm not sure that I can convince Tom.

- Será duro convencer a Tom para venirse con nosotros.
- Será difícil convencer a Tom para que venga con nosotros.
- Nos costará convencer a Tom para que nos acompañe.

It'll be hard to convince Tom to go with us.

- Será difícil convencer a Tom de que nos ayude.
- Nos costará convencer a Tom para que nos ayude.

It'll be hard to convince Tom to help us.

He logrado convencer a algunas empresas de antivirus

I have managed to convince a couple of antivirus companies

Para convencer a estas personas en esos años.

To convince these people in those years

No pude convencer a Tom para que esperara.

I couldn't persuade Tom to wait.

Tom trató de convencer a María de ir.

Tom tried to persuade Mary to go.

No merece la pena intentar convencer a Tom.

It's no use trying to persuade Tom.

Me intentaba convencer de invertir en aquel negocio.

He was trying to convince me to invest in that business.

Si puedo convencer a otros marketers para vincularme,

If I can convince other marketers to link to me,

Seguí mi instinto y decidí convencer a mi familia.

So I gave into my gut, and I decided to convince my family.

Entonces pude convencer a mi esposa con eso. - Sí.

Then I was able to convince my wife with it. - Yes.

Tom intentó convencer a Mary para hacer un trío.

Tom tried to convince Mary to have a threesome.

Tom trató de convencer a Mary de no ir.

Tom tried to convince Mary not to go.

Lo que tenemos que hacer es convencer a Tom.

What we have to do is convince Tom.

Convencer a Tom de hacer lo correcto fue difícil.

Convincing Tom to do the right thing was hard.

Estoy intentando convencer a Tom para que lo haga.

I'm trying to convince Tom to do that.

Si alguna vez trataron de convencer de algo a alguien

If you've ever tried to convince somebody of something

La manera de convencer a la gente de que mienta

the way to convince people to lie

Intenté convencer a un amigo de que no se casase.

I tried to talk a friend of mine out of getting married.

Tom intentó convencer a Mary de que él tenía razón.

Tom tried to convince Mary that he was right.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que montara un caballo.

She couldn't convince him to ride a horse.

Tenemos que convencer a Tom de que se quede aquí.

We have to convince Tom to stay here.

Tom trató de convencer a María de quedarse en Boston.

Tom tried to convince Mary to stay in Boston.

Tom trató de convencer a todos que él era inocente.

- Tom tried to convince everyone that he was innocent.
- Tom tried to convince everybody that he was innocent.

Traté de convencer a Tomás para que volviera a casa.

I tried to persuade Tom to come home.

No lo pudo convencer de que aceptara un cheque personal.

She couldn't convince him to accept a personal check.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que pidiera un préstamo.

She couldn't convince him to ask for a loan.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que diera un discurso.

She couldn't convince him to give a speech.

Sería virtualmente imposible convencer a Tom de ir con nosotros.

It would be virtually impossible to convince Tom to come along with us.

Sin embargo, sobre todo, tiene que convencer a la gente de

Above all, however, he has to convince people

Él intentó convencer a su hijo de que dejara de fumar.

He tried to break his son's habit of smoking.

Tom sabía que María no sería capaz de convencer a nadie.

Tom knew Mary wouldn't be able to convince anybody.

No tienes que convencerme a mí. Tienes que convencer a Tom.

You don't have to convince me. You have to convince Tom.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que se fuera a casa.

She couldn't convince him to go home.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que le escribiera una canción.

She couldn't convince him to write a song for her.

Tom tratará de convencer a Mary de que acepte tu oferta.

Tom will try to convince Mary to accept your offer.

Tom trató de convencer a Mary de conducir la noche entera.

Tom tried to talk Mary into driving all night.

Tom no intentó convencer a Mary de que él era inocente.

Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent.

Tom logró convencer a mucha gente de que tiene habilidades paranormales.

Tom managed to convince a lot of people that he had paranormal powers.

Y tuve que convencer a mi familia hasta que por fin cedieron

and a lot of cajoling from my family to finally give in,

Ella no lo puede convencer para que le compre un coche nuevo.

She cannot persuade him to buy her a new car.

Anota todos los hechos que sean útiles para convencer a la gente.

Write down the facts needed to convince other people.

Debe haber una manera de convencer a Tom de trabajar para nosotros.

There must be a way we can convince Tom to work for us.

Tom podría ser capaz de convencer a Mary para que hiciera eso.

Tom might be able to convince Mary to do that.

Ella no lo pudo convencer para que le comprara un auto nuevo.

She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.

A Mary le resultó fácil convencer a Tom para que la ayudara.

It was easy for Mary to convince Tom to help her.

Tom ha estado intentando convencer a Mary de que deje de fumar.

Tom has been trying to convince Mary to quit smoking.

Y consiguió convencer a 2/3 de la población mayor de 50 años

and managed to convince 2/3 of the population over 50

Y ya no pude convencer a mis amigos y familia de ir conmigo.

and I stopped being able to talk my friends and family into coming with me.

Cualquiera que quiera casarse con ella, primero tiene que convencer a su padre.

Whoever wants to marry her must first convince her father.

No puedo creer que me haya dejado convencer por Tom a hacer esto.

I can't believe I let Tom talk me into doing this.

Ojalá fuera capaz de averiguar cómo convencer a Tom de que se quedara.

- I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to stay.
- I wish that I could figure out how to convince Tom to stay.

Esto quiere decir que deberás convencer a páginas más pequeñas que te promocionen.

That means you need to convince these smaller websites to promote you.

Convencer a mi padre primero es vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo.

Persuading my father first is putting the cart before the horse.

El primer ministro trató de convencer a sus compañeros de coalición para revisar las pensiones.

The Prime Minister tried to convince his coalition partners to overhaul pensions.

No debí haber perdido mi tiempo tratando de convencer a Tom de cambiar de idea.

I shouldn't have wasted my time trying to convince Tom to change his mind.

Estoy empezando a creer que nunca seremos capaces de convencer a Tom de que se equivoca.

I'm beginning to believe that we'll never be able to convince Tom that he's wrong.

Tom le dijo a Mary que no perdiese su tiempo intentando convencer a John de que ayudara.

Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help.

- Me estaba vendiendo la idea de invertir en aquel negocio.
- Me intentaba convencer de invertir en aquel negocio.

He was trying to convince me to invest in that business.

Hola a todos, soy Neil Patel y hoy te voy a enseñar cómo convencer a otros sitios web

Hi everyone, I'm Neil Patel and today I'm going to teach you how to convince other websites

Jimmy trató de convencer a sus padres de que le dejen atravesar el país en coche con sus amigos.

Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends.

Tom no fue capaz de convencer a Mary de que preparase una tarta para la fiesta de cumpleaños de John.

Tom wasn't able to talk Mary into baking a cake for John's birthday party.

La publicidad es el arte de convencer a la gente a gastar dinero que no tienen para algo que no necesitan.

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need.

No puedes convencer a un creyente de nada; porque su creencia no se basa en pruebas, sino en una profunda necesidad de creer.

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe.

No importa cuánto insistas en convencer a la gente de que el chocolate es vainilla, seguirá siendo chocolate, aunque puede que te convenzas a ti mismo y a algunos otros de que es vainilla.

No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla.