Translation of "Acá" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Acá" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Trabajás acá?
- ¿Trabajan acá?
- ¿Trabaja aquí?

Do you work here?

- ¡Echalo de acá!
- ¡Sacalo de acá!

Get him out of here!

- Hace frío acá.
- Está frío acá.

It's cold here.

- ¿Vivís acá cerca?
- ¿Vivís por acá?

Do you live nearby?

Ven acá.

- Come over here.
- Get on in here.

Acá estoy.

Here I am.

Comeremos acá.

We will eat here.

¡Acá no!

- Not here.
- Not here!

Quedate acá.

- Stay here!
- Stay here.

Sentate acá.

Sit here.

¡Quedate acá!

- Stay here!
- Stay here.

Quedémonos acá.

Let's stay here.

Estamos acá.

- We are here.
- We're here.

¿Trabajan acá?

Do you work here?

¿Trabajás acá?

Do you work here?

- Nosotros estábamos acá primero.
- Nosotras estábamos acá primero.

We were here first.

Luego, acá vamos.

And then - there we go.

Difícilmente llueve acá.

It hardly ever rains here.

Tú, ven acá.

You, come here.

Lo encontramos acá.

We found it here.

¡Échenlo de acá!

Get him out of here!

Ven para acá.

Come on up here.

Quiero trabajar acá.

I want to work here.

¿Qué querés acá?

What do you want here?

No corras acá.

Don't run here.

Hay algo acá.

There's something here.

¿Vivís acá cerca?

- Do you live near here?
- Do you live around here?

Hace frío acá.

It's cold here.

Venga acá, rápido.

Come here quickly.

¿Vivís por acá?

Do you live around here?

Tom vive acá.

Tom lives here.

Tom trabaja acá.

Tom works here.

Estoy sola acá.

I'm alone here.

Hay alguien acá.

- There's somebody here.
- There's someone here.
- There is someone here.

Dejalo quedarse acá.

Let him stay here.

Ven acá, nena.

Come here, kid.

¿Estabas sola acá?

Were you here alone?

¿Estabas solo acá?

Were you here alone?

Yo estoy acá.

- I'm here.
- I am here.

Podés esperar acá.

You can wait here.

- ¡Echalo de acá!
- ¡Sacalo de acá!
- ¡Échenlo de acá!
- ¡Echadlo de aquí!
- ¡Sacadlo de aquí!

- Get him out of here!
- Get him out of here.

Porque ya estuvieron acá.

because you've been here,

--ven para acá, amigo--

Here, buddy. Here, pal.

Todos son bienvenidos acá.

Everybody is welcome here.

Él ya está acá.

He is already here.

- ¿Es acá?
- ¿Está aquí?

Is it here?

¡Fuera!, ¡No juegues acá!

Get out! Don't play here!

Acá estoy otra vez.

Here I am again.

- Ven acá.
- Ven p'acá.

- Come here.
- Come over here.
- Get over here.

Acá sucede con frecuencia.

It frequently happens here.

¿Cómo salimos de acá?

How do we get out of here?

No te queremos acá.

- We don't want you here.
- We don't want you here!

No quiero quedarme acá.

- I don't want to stay here.
- I do not want to stay here.

Algo está pasando acá.

- Something's going on here.
- Something is going on here.

Acá nadie ordenó pizza.

Nobody here ordered a pizza.

- Estamos aquí.
- Estamos acá.

- We are here.
- We're here!

- Quédate ahí.
- Quedate acá.

- Stay there.
- Stay here.

- Ven aquí.
- Ven acá.

Get on in here.

Muchos camioneros comen acá.

A lot of truck drivers eat here.

Por eso estoy acá.

That's why I'm here.

Tengo pocos amigos acá.

I have few friends here.

Me siento segura acá.

I feel safe here.

¡Oye tú! ¡Acá arriba!

Hey you! Up here!

Esperaba que estuvieras acá.

I'd hoped you might be here.

Vamos a esperar acá.

We'll wait here.

No quiero vivir acá.

I don't want to live here.

No tenés futuro acá.

You have no future here.

Voy a dormir acá.

- I'll sleep here.
- I'm going to sleep here.

Somos los únicos acá.

We're the only ones here.

Nosotros estábamos acá primero.

We were here first.

Vivimos acá desde enero.

We've been living here since January.