Translation of "¿estabas" in English

0.027 sec.

Examples of using "¿estabas" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Estabas ocupado?
- ¿Estabas ocupada?

Were you busy?

- ¿Estabas solo?
- ¿Estabas sola?

Were you alone?

- Estabas ocupado.
- Estabas ocupada.

You were busy.

¿Estabas allí?

Were you there?

¿Estabas feliz?

Were you happy?

Estabas ocupado.

You were busy.

Estabas embarazada.

You were pregnant.

¿Dónde estabas?

Where were you?

¿Estabas durmiendo?

- Were you asleep?
- Were you sleeping?

Estabas endeudada.

You were in debt.

¿Estabas ocupada?

Were you busy?

¿Estabas sola?

Were you here alone?

Estabas activa.

You were active.

Estabas hermosa.

You looked beautiful.

¿Estabas enfermo?

Were you sick?

¿Estabas mirando?

Were you watching?

¿Estabas preocupado?

Were you worried?

Estabas cantando.

You were singing.

Estabas herido.

You were hurt.

¿Estabas solo?

Were you alone?

Estabas acercándote.

You were approaching.

Estabas delirando.

You were delirious.

- ¿Anoche estabas cansado?
- ¿Estabas cansada ayer por la tarde?
- ¿Estabas cansada anoche?

Were you tired last night?

- ¿Por qué estabas allá?
- ¿Por qué estabas allí?

Why were you there?

- Estabas listo.
- Estabas lista.
- Estaban listos.
- Estaban listas.

You were ready.

¿Entonces dónde estabas?

So where were you?

¿Qué estabas haciendo?

What were you doing?

¿Qué estabas esperando?

- What did you expect?
- What did you expect to happen?
- What were you expecting?

Estabas exagerando, ¿verdad?

You were exaggerating, weren't you?

¿Dónde estabas ayer?

Where were you yesterday?

¿Estabas con alguien?

Were you with anyone?

Estabas mirando, ¿no?

You were looking, weren't you?

¿Qué estabas mirando?

What were you staring at?

Estabas claramente equivocado.

You were clearly mistaken.

¿Qué estabas diciendo?

What were you saying?

¿Estabas ocupado ayer?

Were you busy yesterday?

No estabas equivocado.

You weren't wrong.

¿No estabas entretenido?

Weren't you amused?

¿No estabas enojado?

Weren't you angry?

¿No estabas llorando?

Weren't you crying?

¿No estabas escuchando?

Weren't you listening?

¿No estabas relajado?

Weren't you relaxed?

No estabas escuchando.

You weren't listening.

¿Estabas celoso, no?

You were jealous, weren't you?

Estabas mintiendo, ¿verdad?

You were lying, weren't you?

¿No estabas durmiendo?

You were sleeping, weren't you?

Estabas allí, ¿verdad?

You were there, right?

¿Estabas cansada anoche?

Were you tired last night?

¿Dónde estabas hoy?

Where were you today?

¿Estabas sola acá?

Were you here alone?

¿Estabas solo acá?

Were you here alone?

¿Estabas en casa?

Were you home?

Estabas en Berlín.

You were in Berlin.

- ¿Dónde estabas ayer por la noche?
- ¿Dónde estabas anoche?

Where were you last night?

- ¿No estabas en casa?
- ¿Tú no estabas en casa?

Weren't you at home?

- ¿Dónde estabas?
- ¿Dónde estabais?

Where were you?

¿Con quién estabas hablando?

- Who were you talking with?
- Who were you speaking with?

Creía que estabas muerto.

I thought you were dead.

- ¿Estabas llorando?
- ¿Estabais llorando?

Were you crying?

Pensé que estabas bromeando.

I thought you were kidding.

Papá, ¿qué estabas haciendo?

Father, What were you just doing?

Entonces... ¿qué estabas diciendo?

So... you were saying?

Pensé que estabas lesionado.

- I thought you were injured.
- I thought that you were injured.

¿En qué barco estabas?

What ship were you on?

- Estabas feliz.
- Estaban felices.

You were happy.