Translation of "Krzyczy" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Krzyczy" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom krzyczy.

- Tom is yelling.
- Tom's screaming.
- Tom's yelling.
- Tom is screaming.
- Tom screams.

On dużo krzyczy.

He is screaming a lot.

- Eliza płacze.
- Eliza krzyczy.

Eliza is crying.

Usłyszałam, jak ktoś krzyczy.

- I heard someone scream.
- I heard someone shouting.

Mój młodszy brat głośno krzyczy.

My younger brother is yelling loudly.

Czy matka krzyczy na konia?

Is Mother scolding the horse?

On często krzyczy, kiedy się zdenerwuje.

He's liable to shout when angry.

Słyszałem, jak za oknem ktoś krzyczy.

I heard someone shout outside the window.

Kiedy jest zły, zawsze krzyczy na mnie.

He always yells at me when he is angry.

On krzyczy tylko wtedy, kiedy jest głodny.

He only screams when he's hungry.

Tom słyszał, jak Maria krzyczy na Jana.

Tom heard Mary yelling at John.

Tom obrócił się, gdy usłyszał, jak ktoś krzyczy jego imię.

Tom turned around when he heard someone yell his name.

Noworodek nie umie mówić, więc krzyczy, póki nie dostanie tego, co chce.

- An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.
- An infant isn't capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.

Nadzieja to cichy głosik szepczący „może”, kiedy wydaje się, że cały świat krzyczy „nie!”.

Hope is a little voice whispering "maybe" when it seems the entire world is shouting "no"!