Translation of "정말" in English

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Examples of using "정말" in a sentence and their english translations:

정말 힘들었던 다른 것으로는, 정말 슬픈 일이었는데요.

The other thing that was hard, and it was really sad for me;

정말 감사합니다.

Thank you very much.

정말 고마워요.

Jake: Thank you very much.

정말 편안했어요.

they were real comfortable.

정말 놀랐습니다.

and retain more of it too.

정말 놀라웠어요!

it was incredible.

이제 정말...

We're really at the point now...

정말 미끄러워요

Really slippery. [groans]

정말 힘들어요

Really, really hard.

정말 좋아요

That's really good.

정말 잘하셨습니다

Great job, you.

정말... 아슬아슬했네요!

Now, that was quite... hairy!

정말 멋지네요

Super cool, that.

정말 이상했습니다.

It looked really strange.

정말 간단합니다.

It's that simple.

그건 정말-

There's just --

정말 고통스러웠어요

That's when I really felt the pain that time...

정말 놀랍네요

means that you're gonna be better off.

정말 길어

That's a long time.

정말 귀엽죠

They're adorable. I mean, I just want to put

정말 멋진.

Pretty cool.

정말 어렵습니다.

It's really difficult.

정말 못했지요.

Really, I wasn't.

정말 좋은 출발점이었죠.

which was good, that was a good starting place,

바틀렛은 정말 사랑스럽습니다.

Now, he's super adorable!

그러니까 여러분이 정말

So if you really wish

정말 좋은 뉴스죠.

which is great news, really good news.

용서는 정말 어려워요.

Forgiveness is really tricky.

그녀는 정말 특이했습니다.

She was particular.

정말 수학이 많았어요.

lots and lots of maths.

잠깐만요, 정말 당황스럽군요.

Excuse me, this has really thrown me.

정말 대단한 동물이죠

They are amazingly awesome animals.

정말 기가 막히죠?

But it's pretty crazy isn't it?

냄새가 정말 심하네요

But, oh, it smells pretty strong.

정말 큰 뱀이네요

He's a big old snake, look.

이런, 정말 대참사네요

Ah, this is a disaster, though.

지형이 정말 거칠군요!

[Bear] This is some serious terrain!

갈수록 정말 좁아집니다

Ah, it's getting really tight in here.

"오, 정말 아이러니하지."

"Oh. How ironic."

정말 기분이 좋아요.

It feels really good.

정말 중요한 개념입니다.

A really important concept.

그만큼 정말 어렵습니다.

it was really hard.

정말 놀라운 점이죠.

That's really remarkable.

정말 놀라운 것입니다.

That's really extraordinary.

정말 배가 뒤집혔다면

if the boat had really tipped flipped over --

아이들은 정말 솔직하죠.

Now kids are pure honesty.

그건 정말 멋졌어요.

It was awesome.

정말 필요한 일인가요?

Is this really necessary?

정말 압도적인 숫자죠.

It's a staggering number.

정말 분노같은 것들이죠.

rageful, really --

여기 정말 좁아지네요

Slot canyon's getting really narrow here.

정말 멋진 시간이었습니다.

And I had an incredible time.

정말 진심으로 느껴지겠죠.

and it's a very heartfelt moment.

여러분께도 정말 감사드립니다.

And I am so grateful to you.

- 정말 흥미롭네요 - 네

This is, like, really interesting.

정말 신기했던 건

Cleo: The thing that I find really amazing is that,

전부 정말 벅차요

Greta Thunberg: Well, all of this is very overwhelming,

화성은 정말 춥거든요

Mars is really cold.

네, 정말 이상했어요

Yeah. Yeah, that was really weird.

정말 많은 단계들이네요.

Those are a lot of steps.

저한텐 정말 불가능한 일이었으니까요.

because I genuinely, like, am not capable of it.

스티븐 호킹씨도 정말 멋있었고요!

I thought Stephen Hawking was so cool!

정말 감사합니다. 5초 남았네요.

Thank you very much. I have five seconds left on the clock.

정말 저는 결혼하고 싶었거든요.

which is something that I very much wanted to do.

정말 훌륭한 엄마의 조언이었습니다.

So that was a really good piece of advice from my mom.

정말 즐거웠습니다, 와주셔서 감사합니다.

It's really fun, thanks for coming out.

이것들은 정말 안좋은 현상이죠.

So this is still some very bad results.

이것은 전염병은 정말 중요하며

And this really showed that infectious diseases are a priority

쫓기는 기분이었고 정말 무서웠어요

I felt as if I was being chased off and scared.

이런 토론들은 정말 중요해요.

And these debates are important.

자, 풀이 정말 빽빽하죠

Okay, this is where it gets really thick,

머리가 정말 안 돌아갑니다

They're just making me think really slow. [echoing slightly]

그러니까 정말 조심해야 해요

So we're gonna be really careful turning these over.

가끔 시는 정말 진실하기에

Sometimes, the poem is so true,

그 장사는 정말 재미없었어요.

but really hated business.

우리는 공통점이 정말 많았어요.

I mean, we share the most traits in common.

그런데 정말 그런가요? 아닙니다.

But is it really? No.

또 이제까지 정말 성공적이었죠.

and it's proven itself to do a really good job.

모두에게 정말 좋은 시간이네요.

And a very good evening everyone.

미술은 정말 좋은 도구입니다.

Because art is a powerful tool.

몇 년간 정말 힘들었죠.

and those were some tough years.

수술을 하면 정말 좋겠죠.

I'd love to operate on her.

예술가는 정말 최고의 직업이죠.

Being an artist is the greatest job there is.

저는 정말 혐오스러운 괴물이었습니다.

I was really just a hateful monster.

정말 몇 안 보이죠.

Well, there's not that many.

표토를 정말 잘 파내죠..

It's really good at digging regolith.

정말 쉬운 일이 아닙니다.

It's not an easy job right now.