Translation of "버섯은" in English

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Examples of using "버섯은" in a sentence and their english translations:

‎버섯은 숲의 재활용 전문가죠

Fungi are the recyclers of the forest.

이 버섯은 치명적이진 않습니다 찾은 곳이 어딘지 생각하면요

[Bear] And I know this isn't one of the deadly ones, based on the environment I found it in.

‎어떤 버섯들은 마법과도 같이 ‎도움을 청합니다 ‎생체 발광 버섯은 ‎스스로 빛을 내죠

Some have an enchanting way to call for help. Bioluminescent fungi make their own light.