Translation of "Moschee" in English

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Examples of using "Moschee" in a sentence and their english translations:

Alcune cattedrali prima erano moschee.

Some cathedrals were formerly mosques.

- Ci sono sulle tremila moschee a Istanbul.
- Ci sono circa tremila moschee a Istanbul.

There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul.

Quante moschee ci sono a Istanbul?

How many mosques are there in Istanbul?

Le moschee devono essere mantenute pulite.

Mosques need to be kept clean.

Non vanno a costruire moschee in Ucraina.

They won't build mosques in Ukraine.

Nelle moschee, di regola, si trovano tappeti per le preghiere.

At the mosques, prayer rugs are generally found.

I giovani algerini hanno bisogno di lavori, non di moschee e bar.

Young Algerians need jobs, not mosques and bars.