Translation of "Semmit" in English

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Semmit" in a sentence and their english translations:



- Nem vásárolunk semmit.
- Nem vásárlunk semmit.
- Semmit sem veszünk.

We're not buying anything.

- Semmit sem tett.
- Nem tett semmit.
- Nem csinált semmit.

- He did nothing.
- She did nothing.

- Semmit sem sajnálok.
- Nem sajnálok semmit.
- Nem bántam meg semmit.
- Nem bánok semmit sem.

I regret nothing.

- Nem ígérhetek semmit.
- Semmit sem ígérhetek.
- Ígérni nem tudok semmit.

I can't promise anything.

- Semmit nem hallunk.
- Semmit sem hallunk.
- Mi nem hallunk semmit.

We don't hear a thing.

- Semmit sem láttam.
- Nem láttam semmit.

I saw nothing.

- Nem hallok semmit.
- Semmit sem hallok.

I can hear nothing.

- Nem tettem semmit.
- Nem csináltam semmit.

- I didn't do anything.
- I didn't do anything!

- Semmit sem tudok.
- Nem tudok semmit.

I don't know anything.

- Nem ígérhetek semmit.
- Semmit sem ígérhetek.

I can't make any promises.

- Nem tanultam semmit.
- Semmit sem tanultam.

I didn't learn anything.

- Semmit sem csináltam.
- Nem csináltam semmit.

- I didn't do anything.
- I did nothing.
- I wasn't doing anything.

- Nem csináltak semmit.
- Semmit sem csináltak.

They didn't do anything.

- Nem hallottam semmit.
- Semmit sem hallottam.

- I've heard nothing.
- I didn't hear anything.
- I haven't heard anything.

- Nem tettünk semmit.
- Nem csináltunk semmit.

We didn't do anything.

- Nem éreztem semmit.
- Semmit sem éreztem.

I didn't feel anything.

- Nem csináltak semmit.
- Semmit nem tettek.

- They didn't do anything.
- They did nothing.

- Nem értek semmit.
- Semmit sem értek.

I don't understand anything.

- Nem vettem semmit.
- Nem vásároltam semmit.

I didn't buy anything.

- Nem tanultatok semmit?
- Semmit sem tanultatok?

Haven't you learned anything?

- Kösz a semmit!
- Köszönöm a semmit!

- Thank you for nothing.
- Thanks for nothing!

- Nem vásárolunk semmit.
- Nem veszünk semmit.

We're not buying anything.

- Semmit sem ettem.
- Nem ettem semmit.

I didn't eat anything.

- Mi semmit sem csinálunk.
- Nem csinálunk semmit.

- We don't do anything.
- We're doing nothing.
- We're not doing anything.

- Nem érzek semmit.
- Én nem érzek semmit.

I don't smell anything.

- Semmit nem kaptam.
- Én nem kaptam semmit.

I got nothing.

- Mi nem mondtunk semmit.
- Nem mondtunk semmit.

- We didn't say anything.
- We said nothing.

- Ne adj semmit!
- Ne adj nekem semmit!

Don't give me anything.

- Semmit sem sajnálok.
- Nem bántam meg semmit.

- I have no regrets.
- I don't regret a thing.
- I regret nothing.
- I don't regret anything.

- Nem tudok róla semmit.
- Semmit nem tudok róla.

- I know nothing about her.
- I don't know anything about her.

- Maria nem tud semmit.
- Mary nem tud semmit.

Mary knows nothing.

- Egyáltalán nem tudok semmit.
- Abszolút nem tudok semmit.

I know absolutely nothing.

- Semmit sem mondott nekem.
- Nem mondott nekem semmit.

She didn't tell me anything.

- Semmit sem adtam nekik.
- Nem adtam nekik semmit.

- I didn't give them anything.
- I didn't give anything to them.
- I have not given them anything.

- Semmit sem láttam.
- Egyáltalán nem láttam semmit sem.

I saw nothing at all.

- Semmit nem fogunk találni.
- Nem fogunk találni semmit.

We're not going to find anything.

- Semmit se mondtál neki?
- Nem mondtál neki semmit?

You didn't tell him anything?

- Ez semmit sem jelent!
- Ez nem jelent semmit.

- It doesn't mean anything!
- It doesn't mean anything.

- Még nem találtam semmit.
- Nem találtam még semmit.

I haven't found anything yet.

- Soha nem kértem semmit.
- Nem követeltem soha semmit.

I've never demanded anything.

- Senki sem csinál semmit.
- Senki sem tesz semmit.

- Nobody is doing anything.
- No one is doing anything.

- Nem kell tenned semmit.
- Semmit sem kell tenned.

You don't need to do anything.

- Egyáltalán nem hallunk semmit.
- Egyáltalán semmit sem hallunk.

We don't hear a thing.

Nem láttam semmit.

Can't see what she's doing.

Semmit sem láttunk.

- We didn't see anything.
- We saw nothing.

Semmit sem hallok.

- I can hear nothing.
- I don't hear a thing.

Semmit nem változtál.

- You haven't changed at all.
- You have not changed at all.

Ne mondj semmit!

- Don't say anything.
- Don't say anything!

Semmit sem tudtam.

I didn't know anything.

Semmit sem látott.

- He didn't see anything.
- He didn't see a thing.
- He saw nothing.

Nem látok semmit!

- I can't see anything.
- I can't see anything!

Nem mondott semmit.

- She did not say anything.
- He said nothing.
- She said nothing.

Nem tud semmit.

He doesn't know anything.

Semmit sem tehettem.

I could do nothing.

Ne kérdezz semmit.

Don't ask about anything.

Semmit nem tehetünk.

- There's nothing we can do.
- There is nothing we can do.

Sosem gyanítottam semmit.

I never suspected anything.

Semmit nem írtam.

I wasn't writing anything.

Semmit sem ettem.

I didn't eat anything.

Nem mondtál semmit.

- You didn't say anything.
- You said nothing.

Semmit sem tettem.

I did nothing.

Nem írtam semmit.

- I didn't write anything.
- I haven't written anything.

Semmit nem láttunk.

- I couldn't see a thing.
- We couldn't see a thing.

Nem mondtam semmit.

I said nothing.

Nem hallok semmit.

I can't hear a thing.

Semmit sem tehetnek.

There's nothing they can do.

Semmit nem tehetnek?

- Is there nothing they can do?
- Can't they do anything?

Semmit nem tettünk.

We haven't done anything.

Nem hoztunk semmit.

No, we didn't bring anything.

Nem tudok semmit.

I know nothing.

Semmit sem találtam.

I didn't find anything.

Nem vártam semmit.

I didn't expect anything.

Semmit sem hallottam.

I've heard nothing.

Mindent vagy semmit.

It's all or nothing.

Semmit nem csináltunk.

We didn't do a thing.

Nem fizetett semmit.

She paid nothing.

Semmit nem tettek.

- They didn't do anything.
- They accomplished nothing.
- They didn't get anything done.
- They did nothing.

Nem főztem semmit.

I wasn't cooking anything.

Nem veszek semmit.

I'm not buying anything.

Nem csinálok semmit.

I'm not doing anything.

Semmit sem mondott.

He said nothing.

Semmit nem láttam.

I haven't seen a thing.

Nem eszel semmit.

You don't eat anything.

Semmit sem láttam.

I saw nothing.

Semmit sem akartam.

I didn't want anything.