Translation of "Földbe" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Földbe" in a sentence and their english translations:

Rizst ültettek ebbe a földbe.

Rice is planted in this field.

Árpát ültettek ebbe a földbe.

Barley is planted in this field.

Új földbe tette a virágot.

She put new soil in the flower pot.

A földműves búzamagot vetett a földbe.

- The farmer seeded the field with wheat.
- The farmer scattered the wheat seeds in the field.

Ebbe a földbe árpát fognak vetni.

Barley will be planted in this field.

Ebbe a földbe rizst fognak vetni.

Rice will be planted in this field.

Mi lesz ebbe a földbe ültetve?

What will be planted in this field?

Tulajdonképp egész alakos figurák, a testük a földbe van temetve.

actually they're full figures that are buried down into the ground.

Reggel Vasilissa mély gödröt ásott a földbe és eltemette a koponyát.

In the morning, Vasilissa dug a deep hole in the ground and buried the skull.