Translation of "Baj" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Baj" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Nem gond.
- Nem baj.
- Nem gáz!
- Nincs baj!
- Nincs semmi baj!
- Semmi baj!

- No problem!
- No problem.
- No worries!

- Van valami baj?
- Valami baj van?

- Is something wrong?
- Something wrong?
- Did something seem wrong?
- Is there something wrong?

Baj van.

There's a problem.

- Biztos, nem baj?
- Tuti, hogy nem baj?

Are you sure it's no trouble?

- Nem baj, ha átkapcsolok?
- Nem baj, ha elkapcsolom?

Do you mind if I change the channel?

RR: Semmi baj,

RR: No, it's OK.

Valami baj van.

- Something's not right.
- Something's strange.
- There's something wrong.

Nincs semmi baj.

- Nothing's wrong.
- Nothing is wrong.

Ebből baj lesz.

That will be a problem.

Mi a baj?

- What is the problem?
- What's the problem?
- What's wrong?
- What is wrong?

Valami baj van?

- Is something wrong?
- Something wrong?

Hamarosan baj lesz!

Here comes trouble.

Semmi baj nincs.

There's nothing wrong.

- Nem ő a baj.
- Nem vele van a baj.

The problem isn't her.

Nyugi, semmi baj önökkel.

don't worry, you're not broken.

De az a baj,

but the thing is

Mi a baj vele?

What's wrong with it?

Mi a baj, kedves?

What's wrong sweetie?

Nincs azzal semmi baj.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Most mi a baj?

What's wrong now?

- Semmi gond.
- Semmi baj.

- No problem!
- No prob.
- No problem.

Remélem, nincs semmi baj.

I hope nothing's wrong.

Vajon mi a baj?

I wonder what's wrong.

A motorral van baj.

The problem is in the motor.

Mi a baj veletek?

What's wrong with you two?

Mi a baj, kedvesem?

What's wrong, honey?

Van ezzel valami baj?

Is something wrong with that?

Nincs velem semmi baj.

Nothing's wrong with me.

Tamás, mi a baj?

What's wrong, Tom?

Ez volt a baj.

That was the trouble.

Mi a baj, Tomi?

What's wrong with you, Tom?

Szerintem ez nem baj.

- I don't think it's a problem.
- I don't think that it's a problem.

- Ez súlyos?
- Baj ez?

- Is it bad?
- Is it that bad?

Baj van a vesémmel.

I have a kidney condition.

Mi a baj velem?

What's wrong with me?

Baj van a tetővel.

- There are problems with the roof.
- There are some problems with the roof.
- There's some problems with the roof.

- Semmi gond.
- Nincs semmi baj.
- Semmi probléma.
- Nincs probléma.
- Semmi baj sincs.

- There's no problem.
- There is no problem.

A pocsék kajával van baj?

Is it the crappy food?

De van egy kis baj.

But there's a problem.

- Sok vele a baj? - Rengeteg.

-[Pepe] Is it giving you trouble? -[woman] Lots.

Gondoltam, nem lesz semmi baj.

I thought I'd be just fine.

Megkérdezte, van-e valami baj.

She asked me if anything was the matter.

Akarod tudni, mi a baj?

Do you want to know what's wrong?

Valami baj van a szemeddel?

Is something wrong with your eyes?

Valami baj van a nyomtatóval.

There's something wrong with the printer.

A képlettel semmi baj sincs.

There's nothing wrong with the formula.

Nem baj, ha most hazamegyek?

- May I go home now?
- Is it OK if I go home now?
- Is it all right if I go home now?

A motorral van a baj.

The trouble lies in the engine.

Nem baj hogy ha megváratlak?

Would you mind waiting a moment?

Szerinted mi volt a baj?

What do you suppose went wrong?

Biztosan nem baj, ha elmegyek?

Are you sure you don't mind if I leave?

Baj lenne, ha itt maradnék?

Do you mind if I stay here?

Mi a baj a meztelenkedéssel?

What's wrong with being naked?

Megkérdeztem, mi volt a baj.

I asked what was wrong.

Tudom, mi a baj vele.

I know what's wrong with her.

- Mi a baj?
- Mi van?

- What's the matter?
- What is the matter?

A baj nem jár egyedül.

- Misfortunes never come singly.
- It never rains, it pours.

Nem baj, ha itt maradok?

Is it OK if I stay here?

Nem baj, ha kijavítom Tomot?

Is it proper for me to correct Tom?

Mi a baj az öltözködésemmel?

What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?

Van valami baj az autómmal.

- There is something wrong with my car.
- There's something wrong with my car.

Nem értettem, mi a baj.

I couldn't understand what the problem was.

- Ez problémát jelent?
- Ez baj?

Is that an issue?

Nagyobb a baj, mint gondoltam.

We have a bigger problem than I thought.

Néhányuknak baj van a hallásukkal.

Some of them have trouble hearing.

- Szerintem ez nem baj.
- Én ezt nem problémának gondolom.
- Véleményem szerint ez nem baj.

- I don't think it's a problem.
- I don't think that it's a problem.

Azt hittem, velem van a baj.

I thought something must be wrong with me.

- Valami baj van.
- Valami nem stimmel.

- Something's wrong.
- Something is wrong.

Azt hittük, nem lesz több baj.

- We believed that there wouldn’t be any more problems.
- We thought there wouldn't be any more problems.

Nem baj, ha fél az ember.

It's OK to be afraid.

- Mi a helyzet?
- Mi a baj?

- What's the matter?
- What is the matter?

Nagyobb baj is történt már kettőnkkel.

Worse things have happened to both of us.

Ha baj van, kérlek, hívj fel!

In case of trouble, please call me.

Megkérdezted Tomit, hogy mi a baj?

Did you ask Tom what was wrong?

Nem baj, ha átkapcsolok másik csatornára?

Is it OK if I change the channel?

Nem baj, ha félrehúzom a függönyt?

- Is it okay if I open the curtain?
- May I open the curtain?
- Can I open the curtain?
- Is it OK if I open the curtain?

- Rosszul hallok.
- Baj van a hallásommal.

My hearing is bad.

De a szatíraírással az a baj,

But the problem with doing satire

Azóta a baj csőstül jön hozzám.

I have had a series of misfortunes since then.

Nem gondoltam volna, hogy ez baj.

I didn't think it was a problem.

Nem tudtam rájönni, mi a baj.

- I couldn't figure out what was wrong.
- I could not figure out what was wrong.

Nem tudom biztosan, mi a baj.

I'm not really sure what's wrong.

Nem én vagyok itt a baj!

The problem here isn't me.

- Van valami bajod?
- Valami baj van veled?

Is something wrong with you?

- Mi a baj velem?
- Mi bajom van?

- What's wrong with me?
- What is wrong with me?

Úgy tűnik, valami baj van a telefonnal.

It seems that there is something wrong with the telephone.

Ugye nem baj, ha bekapcsolom a tévét?

Would you mind if I turned the TV on?

Nem baj, ha várnotok kell néhány percet?

Would you mind waiting a few minutes?

- Mi van vele?
- Mi baj van vele?

- What is wrong with him?
- What's wrong with him?

A boldogság elbizakodottá, a baj bölccsé tesz.

Luck makes us arrogant, bad luck makes us wise.

A baj elkerülése nem feltétlenül biztosít biztonságot.

Avoiding trouble will not always assure safety.

Nem eszel túl sokat. Mi a baj?

You're not eating very much. What's wrong?

Gyorsan jön a baj, de lassan távozik.

Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs on foot.

Azt mondod, hogy itt van a baj?

- Are you saying that that's wrong?
- Are you saying that's wrong?

Mit mondott az orvos, mi a baj?

What does the doctor think is wrong?